CJ 350 Module Four Assignment Template Benefits and Drawbacks of Source Types Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Source TypeBenefitsDrawbacks Example: Social mediaExample: This information canprovide immediate feedbackabout what is happening withina particular area or a particulargroup in real time, so thosegathering information can makefaster decisions.Example: This information could be manipulated by local governments, so the information posted may not accurately reflect the feelings of the people involved or the actual events that are occurring on the ground. 1. InterrogationInterrogations can makecaptured or detained individualsconfess or give up reliableinformation that can be used incrime investigations and toprotect the nation against futuredangers. The drawbacks of interrogations is that it could lead to unreliable information and coercion. In addition, interrogations can be a long stressful process for everyone involved. 2. LiaisonsLiaisons can providecommunication or cooperationwhich facilitates a closeworking relationship betweenpeople and organizations (Clark & Mitchell, 2019). Liaisons could be manipulated by one liaison partner using their working relationship to deceive the other liaison partner. 3. ElicitationElicitation can be used to collectinformation that is not readilyavailable and do so withoutraising suspicion that specificfacts are being sought (FBI,2016).Elicitation could be manipulated by giving false information intentionally or unintentionally since this information is gathered through social situations. 4. Traffic AnalysisTraffic analysis can provide ananalysis of patterns incommunications for the purposeof gaining intelligence about asystem or its users (CSRC, n.d.).Traffic analysis could be manipulated by techniques such as inserting dummy traffic in the network (Clark & Mitchell, 2019). Individuals can insert "dummy traffic" into networks to throw off law enforcement agencies. 5. SteganographySteganography can be used tohide secret data within anordinary, non-secret, file, ormessage in order to avoiddetection.The biggest drawback of steganography is that terrorists and traffickers use it to avoid any detection of compromising information by hiding messages inside computer files (Clark & Mitchell, 2019).
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