35806/01 Perform Clinical Assessment And Contribute To Planning Nursing Care - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Nursing Questions Task


Complete the 35 questions outlined in this assessment.

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Q1 Discuss and describe common myths and stereotypes about older clients S NYS
Q2 Normal physiological changes are expected in older adults. Nursing care of older clients poses special challenges because of great variation in their psychological, cognitive and physiological health status. Older adults also vary widely in their levels of functional ability.

Complete the following table to demonstrate the physiological changes of ageing per body systems. List 2 findings for each system 

Q3 Throughput history people have been trying to understand the process of ageing Theories of aging include:

v  Biological theories

v  Psychosocial theory

v  Disengagement theory

v  Social exchange theory 

v  Wear and tear theory

v  Activity theory

Provide a comparison summary of your understanding for each of the 6 theories listed above.

Q4 Describe 4 differences between end of life care and palliative care. S NYS
Q5 Discuss the care you are required to provide to the deceased client S NYS
Q6 Identify two services a relative or carer could be referred to for support following a bereavement. S NYS
Q7 Identify the main legislative act/s involving the care of the older person and briefly outline the primary purpose of that act. S NYS
Q8 Complete the following table: S NYS
Q9 Identify 4 assessment tools relevant to the older person in identifying care needs and resource allocation used in the health by nurses to plan and provide care: S NYS
Q10 List 5 nursing strategies that you would consider/implement when caring for an elderly patient with incontinence S NYS
Q11 Discuss the limitations and legal complications of:

a.    Physical restraint

b.    Chemical restraint

c.     Psychological restraint

Q12 In your own words, briefly outline your understanding of the following strategies used to respond to challenging behaviours.

1.    Distraction

2.    Behaviour modification

Q13  List 5 chronic aged related health problems you could encounter in working with the elderly and list 1 potential impact for each problem for the patient. S NYS
Q14 The Enrolled nurse standard of practice in specific standard 2. “Practices nursing in a way that ensures the rights, confidentiality, dignity and respect of people are upheld.”  Reflect how this standard impact on the care you provide to the elderly as an enrolled nurse. S NYS
Q15 Briefly outline how dual or multiple diagnosis in an elderly patient can impact on the prioritisation of their care needs. S NYS
Q16 For each of the systems listed below, list 2 chronic, aged related conditions. S NYS
Q17 Briefly, in your own words, define “Primary Health Care” S NYS
Q18 List 3 primary health care service providers that may be accessed by the elderly. S NYS
Q19 Briefly outline, in your own words, the importance for the elderly, and those with dementia, to have a safe physical, social and emotional environment. S NYS
Q20 Challenging behaviours can often be displayed for reasons the nurse may not be immediately aware of. List below, 5 physical triggers that may cause challenging behaviours. S NYS
Q21 Dementia is known to be a “progressive neurological condition”. In your own words, explain what this means.  S NYS
Q22 During providing care for your patient, you find they have become hypertensive and tachycardic over the course of your shift. Briefly outline what your response would be in this situation. S NYS
Q23 On the table below, list 5 gender specific health issues for each gender.  S NYS
Q24 Briefly explain, in your own words, how a person’s genetic history and environment can influence their development S NYS
Q25 Using the headings provided, briefly describe the developmental changes seen as a person grows from being a toddler to a school-aged child. S NYS
Q26 Briefly explain how infertility can impact a person, and how this may change their family’s health care needs.  S NYS
Q27 Briefly outline the signs you may see in someone if they are developing, or already have, an oral health problem S NYS
Q28 Briefly outline how you would identify signs of distress, or behaviours of concern in a person who is unable to verbally communicate their symptoms or concerns.   S NYS
Q29 Briefly explain how you would respond to the person discussed in question 28. S NYS
Q30 In your own words, briefly discuss the legal and ethical issues that you may see in aged care practice, include other areas of concern if relevant. S NYS
Q31 List 5 signs that may indicate elder abuse. S NYS
Q32 Briefly outline, in your own words, appropriate responses to signs of physical, mental and emotional stress in an elderly person. S NYS
Q33 Briefly outline, in your own words, how you, as an enrolled nurse, can advocate for an elderly resident, their family or their carer, while remaining within your own scope of practice, and organisational policy and procedures. S NYS
Q34 Many medications are prescribed with differing doses in elderly patients. List 3 possible age-related effects that drugs can have on an elderly patient if the dosage isn’t adjusted. S NYS
Q35 What adjustments to medications could be made, in consultation with the RN and doctor, to reduce the risk of age-related side effects of medications? S NYS

Written assessment evidence Checklist
The written assessment evidence checklist is a record of your assessment activity outcome. Your educator will record your progress, provide feedback and comments in this checklist once you have submitted your assessment in Openspace. Once your submission has been marked, your educator will provide a copy (in Open Space)

You have two attempts to complete the assessment. If you need to re-attempt the assessment task your educator will give you clear and direct feedback with revised submission dates if required.

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