Task description:
This assessment item is to be completed in pairs. It requires students to develop and present a venue proposal for a new permanent competition venue to be built in South East Queensland (SEQ) for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The aim of this assessment item is to encourage students to:
- Critically evaluate the extent to which mega-events can deliver infrastructure (e.g., stadia, transport, Olympic villages, ) legacies for host cities.
- Recognise the impacts and implications of a large-scale sport event venue and its value to the host
- Develop an understanding of how to facilitate an Olympic and Paralympic Games that is affordable, beneficial, and sustainable.
Task requirements:
Students must consult the 2032 SEQ Olympic and Paralympic Games Feasibility Study (Lagardere Sports/EKS, 2019), in particular Sections 3.3.3, 3.3.4, 3.3.5 and 3.5, and identify a venue to develop that has been either identified as being “planned” or a “legacy opportunity”. The feasibility report identifies the general location of these venues (e.g., Brisbane, Gold Coast, etc.) only.
Pairs should prepare a pre-recorded presentation to pitch their venue proposal, including key recommendations and venue details on the basis that they are presenting it to the Queensland Government to argue for the new venue proposal over other potential proposals in other locations.
Students should review at least six academic papers (journal articles, books, book chapters and/or conference papers) that have investigated the infrastructure legacy of mega-events. Informed by these studies,
students must make three recommendations to the Queensland Government as to how it should plan for an affordable, beneficial (to the host community) and sustainable new competition venue for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Each recommendation must be supported with references back to the findings of the studies reviewed.
The running time of the pre-recorded presentation is 8 minutes (maximum).
In addition, pairs should support their argument by attaching an appendix (which could be venue maps, photos, statistics, site layout, diagrams, etc.) of up to 10 pages. An APA7 reference list should also be provided in the appendix but it is not included in the page limit.
Presentation Template
Pairs should use the following presentation template for their venue proposal to outline details of the “planned” or “legacy opportunity” venue that they propose to develop for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
<Opening comments explaining which new venue you are proposing> Proposed venue
<Why is the new venue required? What sport(s) will it be used for? What features are required in the new venue, i.e., seating capacity, etc.>
Proposed location and justification
<Identify the proposed location for your new venue (you may provide a map, photograph, etc. in Appendix as well as in the presentation). Provide an explanation as to why you have selected this proposed location with reference to issues such as space (where is there available and developable land) and access (to existing or proposed transport links), community needs (lack of existing venues and/or growing population for post-event use) and risk considerations (can the event site be secured, is it prone to flooding), etc.>
Legacy potential
<Identify the potential uses for the venue after the 2032 Games (e.g., for event programming, sport participation, etc).>
<Provide three recommendations as to how Queensland Government should plan for an affordable, beneficial (to the host community) and sustainable new competition venue for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
<Provide a brief summary that might be used to lobby government to argue for your new venue proposal over other potential proposals.>
<Include a reference list slide in APA7 style for any resources (including any images) used in the compilation and justification of your proposal.>
Submission instructions and marking:
- This assessment items (Pre-recorded presentation and appendix) must be submitted online. A submission point will be set up on Learning@Griffith in the Assessment
- The pre-recorded presentations will be marked on the quality of the recommendations made, demonstrated evidence that the recommendations are informed by the literature review, the level of detail contained in the venue proposal and the quality of the presentation (quality of slides, speaker engagement, clarity of communication, ).
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