20) In performing a vertical analysis, the base for interest expense is: A) net sales. B) total...

20) In performing a vertical analysis, the base for interest expense is:

A) net sales.

B) total operating expenses.

C) net income.

D) interest income.


21) Given the following data:


Current liabilities


Noncurrent liabilities


Stockholders' equity



In vertical analysis, current liabilities would be expressed as:

A) 356%.

B) 90%.

C) 111%.

D) 28%.

22) In performing a vertical analysis, the base for sales returns and allowances is:

A) sales discounts.

B) sales.

C) gross profit.

D) net sales.


23) In performing a vertical analysis, the base for cost of goods sold is:

A) net sales.

B) total revenues.

C) total expenses.

D) gross profit.


24) Given the following data:




Current assets


Total assets



In a vertical analysis, cash would be expressed as:

A) 935%.

B) 217%.

C) 46%.

D) 11%.


25) If a balance sheet is subjected to vertical analysis which shows that current assets (using total assets as the base) have increased from 42% to 56%, this would always mean that:

A) current assets have increased as a percentage of total assets.

B) the dollar amount of total assets has increased.

C) the dollar amount of total assets has decreased.

D) the dollar amount of current assets has increased.

26) Given the following data:


Net sales


Cost of goods sold


Gross profit



In a vertical analysis, cost of goods sold would be expressed as:

A) 166%.

B) 40%.

C) 60%.

D) 250%.


27) Given the following data:


Net sales


Cost of goods sold


Gross profit


Operating expenses


Net income



In a vertical analysis, net income would be expressed as:

A) 18%.

B) 45%.

C) 30%.

D) 82%.


28) If the assets shown on a balance sheet are subjected to vertical analysis (using total assets as the base), an increase in the figure for current assets from 56% to 60% would always mean that:

A) the dollar amount of noncurrent assets has increased.

B) the dollar amount of total assets has increased.

C) total current assets have increased as a percentage of total assets.

D) the dollar amount of current assets has increased.

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