tudent Name: Asim Mirzakhanli Total Marks:Knowledge/Understanding =/10 Marks;FINAL:/43 Thinking & Inquiry =/18 Marks; Application =/15 Marks. PART A: Terminology - All answers must be in full, complete sentences. Use part of the original question, in your answers, when possible. [Knowledge/Understanding =/10 Marks] 1. Define the following terms below, and be sure to link them to a literary lens. a) Bourgeoisie[/1 Mark] Bourgeoisie is referred to as the social order that is ruled by the so-called middle class. This term is used quit a lot in the literature. b) Interpretive Communities[/1 Mark] The concept of a "interpretive community" describes how a social group interprets texts. People's social experiences and social identities shape their interpretations. In literature there are a lot of groups, who have a similar reader response. c) Form[/1 Mark] Something's structure and shape, as opposed to its composition. Particularly in terms of its external appearance or in comparison to the face. 2. Carl Jung coined the term collective unconscious, what does this term mean? [/2 marks] The collective unconscious, which originates in the hereditary brain structure and is shared by all members of humanity, is that portion of the mind that contains memories and impulses that the person is unaware of.
23. Which literary theory or lens allows the reader to analyze literature with objectivity? Why is this the case?[/3 marks] The formalist theory is the only one that enables the reader to objectively evaluate the literature. Formalism, another name for the formalist theory, is a term used to describe important methods for examining, comprehending, or rating a text's fundamental features. 4. When we say that gender is socially constructed, what does this mean? [/2 marks] The socially constructed qualities of men, women, girls, and boys are referred to as gender. This covers interpersonal connections as well as the standards, mannerisms, and roles that come with being a woman, man, girl, or boy. Gender is a social concept that differs from culture to culture and can evolve over time.
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