13404 Inclusive Education Assessment Task 2


  • Choose one lesson plan you conducted on Professional Experience OR a workplace document/website usedin your current
  • NOTE: if you have not undertaken Professional Experience you may use a lesson plan you have created in another subject OR one of the templates provided on
  • You should adapt this lesson plan/workplace document to cater for three identified students/colleagues (details provided below).
  • You are also required to prepare a brief Report (1000 words) justifying the Universal Design principles and/or adjustments you have made to your lesson plan/workplace
  • Your Report should demonstrate your understanding of key concepts covered in this subject with reference to at least four(4) quality, academic sources (beyond the required readings of the subject) such as journal articles, professional reports and refereed conference papers (NOT commercial website)

MTeach students (current or future) must adapt a lesson plan.

Grad Cert students (not intending to transfer to MTeach) can use any workplace document. The document can be hardcopy text or an online document/procedure. For example, a new policy that has to be implemented. A document which outlines a new process or procedure. The choice of document is not as important as demonstrating how you are adapting workplace materials to support the three colleagues described below.

NOTE: If you are enrolled in the MTeach use the descriptions in Column 1 (target students). If you are enrolled in the Grad Cert, you can use the descriptions in Column 2 (target colleagues)



Charlie: Diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Charlie is reading 4 years below his chronological age. Charlie has good listening and speaking skills. Charlie does not usually focus on class tasks for more than 5 mins at a time. He produces very little written work. He is very social and has many of friends who he regularly distracts duringdeskwork.

Charlton: Diagnosed with dyslexia. Charlton has a reading age of 10yrs which means he is reading at the same level as a child aged 10. At home, he relies on his partner to assist with any text-based materials that he needs to access.

Charlton is unable to read most workplace documentation. Charlton has developed good relationships with his colleagues but goes to great lengths to hide his disability.

Omar: Diagnosed with a Mild Intellectual Disability. Omar requires explicitinstruction to comprehend key concepts. Reading, spelling, writing, comprehension, mathematics skills, receptive andexpressivelanguage skills are all below his peers. Omar can become easily distracted when not doing tasks that he enjoys. His favourite lessons are PE and art.

Oscar: Diagnosed with a Mild Intellectual Disability. Oscar requires explicit instruction when learning how to complete new workplace activities. His reading, spelling, writing, comprehension, mathematics skills, receptive and expressive language skills are around the level of a typical 12 year old. Oscar enjoys his work but often distracts his colleagues when given a task which is too easy or too challenging.

Katie: Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Katie benefits from explicit instruction in literacy and numeracy lessons. Katie will not produce handwritten work in class and will not work in groups with peers. Katie does not handle too much noise in the classroom. Katie produces excellent personal interest projects, which she often works on at recess/lunch and when she

is at home.

Kathleen: Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Kathleen benefits from explicit instruction when learning new workplace activities. Kathleen does not like to work in teams and struggles in noisy environments. Kathleen is an excellent employee who requires little supervision and produces high-quality work.


  1. UTS assignment coversheet
  2. Originallesson plan/workplace document marked up to show adjustments OR originallesson plan/workplace document and new lesson plan/workplace
  3. 1,000 word

NOTE: Turnitin only allows 1 submission so you need to combine 1, 2 and 3 into a single document.

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