BenefitDardenTeamMemberSharedAnytime Medical InsuranceXDental InsuranceXVision InsuranceXDay Care FSAXHealth Savings Account (HSA) XX Short TermDisability*XLong Term Disability XPaid Family MedicalLeaveX Life InsuranceXDependent Life*X1st Day Choice MedicalXAccident Insurance XTeladoc PlusXCritical IllnessInsuranceX Hospital IndemnityX Darden SavingsPlan (401K)XX Darden Savings Plan(401K) Company Match XX Employee StockPurchase PlanXX Group Legal PlanXGroup Home/Auto Insurance XX Identity TheftXX Pet InsuranceXX Darden DimesXX Dining DiscountXX DiscountedDarden Gift CardsXDiscount MallXStride HealthXAdvocacy Services X2nd.MDXWell-BeingXDisclaimer:The material provided here is for informational purposes only and is not a guarantee of coverage or plan provisions.All information shown is subject to updating, correcting or revising.Copies of plan documents are available upon request from the Total Rewards Service Center.If there are any discrepancies between this material and the information contained in the Plan documents, the Plan documents prevail. Page 2 of 2BenefitsProvides a virtual second opinion serivce fromnationally recognized doctorsUpon hire - Must be enrolled in Darden Major Medical X Well-BeingThe Well-Being tab on My Total Rewards for tips, websites, and well-being programs that can help you and your family enjoy physical, financial, and emotional health Upon hireX BenefitsResource to assist team members with navigation and enrollment in the Government and State Healthcare Exchanges Upon hireX HomeService provides a helping hand when you need it...from understanding and use of your health care benefits to helping you find answers about your retirement plan. Upon hireX Perks25% discount available for purchase of gift cards (December) Upon hireX PerksOver 100,000 discount offers from brands you loveUpon hireX PerksEmployee Emergency Assistancefunded by employees for employees.Whether you need help or want to help, Darden Dimes makes a real difference Upon hirePerks25% discount available for food and non-alcoholic beverages for you and up to 7 guests at all Darden restaurants Upon hirePerksSafeguard your identity with credit monitoring of all 3 credit bureaus, social media networks, public records. Fraud resolution , expense reimbursement, etc. Upon hirePerksHealth insurance for petsUpon hire BenefitsPrepaid legal service covers a variety of issues including real estate transactions, will and trust preparation, divorce, bankruptcy, etc. Upon hireX PerksDiscounted insurance forHome and AutoUpon hireSavingsDarden will match up to 6% of your contributions. Match can rangefrom 25% to 120% depending on company performance.5 yearvesting scheduleAfter 1 year of service Must be at least age 21 Annual income less than $125,000 Savings 15% discount purchase of Darden (DRI) stock. Purchase up to $5,000 in DRI stock each calendar quarter After 1 year of service averaging more than 20 hours per week Benefitshospital stay due to covered sickness including pregnancy or accident Upon hireX SavingsContribute up to 25% of your pay on a before orafter tax basisUpon hire Must be 21 years of age BenefitsTeladoc, Retail and Urgent Care Discount and Discount Prescriptions bundled together in one convenient benefit Upon hireX BenefitsPays a lump sum if you suffer a heart attack, stroke, cancer and others Upon hireX BenefitsPays fixed cash benefits for medical services. Does not meet ACA mandate for Medical insurance Upon hireX BenefitsPays cash in cases of accidentinjuries such as serious lacerations, burns, sprains, dislocations, and others Upon hireX BenefitsChoice of coverage amount:$10,000; $15,000; $20,000 Upon hireX BenefitsProvides life insurance for eligible dependents Spouse $10,000 Child(ren) $5,000 *TMmust enroll in Life Insurance in order purchase Dependent Life Upon hireX BenefitsProvides 50% of income replacement after 26 weeks After 1 year of service averaging 20 or more hours per week X BenefitsPays up to two weeks of PFML in rolling 12 month period for approved reasons After 1 year of serviceX BenefitsUse pre-tax dollars to pay for out-of-pocket health care expenses.HSA provides triple tax advantagesUpon enrollment in Bronze, Bronze+, or Silver Medical plan BenefitsProvides 60% replacement income for up to 26 weeks when disabled-*Not available in CA, HI, NJ, NY, RI andWA Upon hireX BenefitsChoice of multiple plans with multiple insurance carriers offered through a Private Health Exchange Upon hireX BenefitsUse pre-tax dollars to pay for out-of-pocket child and elder care expenses (not health expenses) Upon hireX BenefitsChoice of multiple plans with multiple insurance carriers offeredthrough a Private Health ExchangeAfter 52 weeks averaging 30 or more hours per week X BenefitsChoice of multiple plans with multiple insurance carriers offered through a Private Health Exchange Upon hireX
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