The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge in terms of the economic and social disruptions it has caused. You are tasked to produce an individual video presentation that is 7 minutes in length (+/- 30 seconds)
in addressing both tasks, A and B specified on page two of this document.
Notes – read these carefully!
- Produce your video in MP4 You can either use Zoom or Microsoft PowerPoint to produce the video. The video must show both your presentation slides and your face in order to assess your communication skills. The maximum number of slides is 10, including the title slide and a slide at the end to list the references.
- Once your video production is completed, you are then to upload the video and PowerPoint Slides to Week 12 ’Evidence of Learning’ tab.
- The maximum length of your video is 7 minutes and 30 seconds. Markers will stop watching your video at the 7 minutes and 30 seconds point. A deduction up to 5 marks may be imposed for video presentation that is over time. Be strategic in your use of time in presenting your video.
- This is a research-based assignment. Students must do research to answer each question and properly reference the sources in using in-text citation within the presentation slides. A reference list must be provided in the last slide.
- At the start of the presentation, student is to show his/her student id for presenter authentication purpose.
- IMPORTANT: As this is an individual assessment item, students must work on their own and present their individual assignment submission. If found to have cheated, your submission would receive a mark of zero for this assessment item. University uses text-matching tools to detect academic cheating, collusion and plagiarism.
TASK A: Covid and Inequality in Emerging Economies
The coronavirus pandemic is having a severe impact on emerging economies, causing many of those countries to explore the possibility of obtaining financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund or expanding that which they already have in place. In your video presentation, evaluate the impacts of the Covid-19 global pandemic in Colombia.
- Start with a discussion on how the pandemic may have affected the economic growth of the country and its associated macro-economic variables like the GDP, unemployment and inflation rates. Support your discussion with the use of the relevant data. 6 marks
- Then, present an analysis on how the pandemic may have worsened the stage of inequality in the country. Incorporate relevant data about the recent trend of the Gini coefficient in the country to support your analysis. 7 marks
- Discuss two relevant policies which have been and/or would need to be implemented by the government and/or other institutions to reduce the problems of inequality in Colombia. 7 marks
TASK B: Financial Wellbeing of Vulnerable Australian Households
The Covid-19 pandemic has also affected Australia in many ways. In particular, the financial wellbeing of many vulnerable Australian households is adversely affected. Queensland Council of Social Services (QCOSS) has produced its latest 2021 report of Living_Affordability_in-Queensland which models the income and expenditure of seven low-income household groups. Choose one from the seven model households, and address the following tasks.
- With reference to the QCOSS report, present an analysis of the net budget position of your chosen household in discussing their income and expenditure. In your analysis, incorporate a description about financial well-being. 4 marks
- Present a plan involving at least three strategies to help improve the financial wellbeing of your chosen household. 6 marks
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