1. a. Convert 37.6 C to Fahrenheit. (Remember: In the formula for converting between Fahrenheit and.

1. a. Convert 37.6 C to Fahrenheit. (Remember: In the formula for converting between Fahrenheit and Celsius, the “32” and “1.8” are exact numbers.) b. Convert 112o F to Celsius. c. What is the mass of a liquid that has a volume of 50.0mL and a density of 2.40g/mL? d. Calculate the volume, in milliliters, of a solid that has a density of 7.142g/cm3 and a mass of 232.51g. (HINT: 1cm3 = 1mL exactly) e. Suppose that you completely dissolved a rounded tablespoon (1.00cm3 ) of table salt in 50.0mL of deionized water in a graduated cylinder. In another graduated cylinder with 50.0mL of deionized water, you slid in a 1.00cm3 piece of aluminum metal. Would you expect the water level to rise the same amount in both cylinders? _____ Explain. f. Would the density of the salt water in Question f. be greater or less than the same volume of deionized water? _______________ Explain.

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