Police Body Worn Cameras Most people can now shoot and share live video footage of events in real time thanks to smartphones and today's technologically advanced society. There is still much discussion about whether police officers who are on duty should use body-mounted cameras to record occurrences as they happen. Evaluation and research into the use of police body cams are still in their early phases. Yet, the apparatus is gradually standardizing across American police forces. (Kissiah, 2022). In the US, body-worn cameras are routinely used by state and local police enforcement departments. Officers use them when doing tasks that call for open and direct contact with the public. Although the usage of body-worn cameras is growing, there is still conflicting information about how effective they are. Recent studies may suggest that body-worn cameras are useful, while other studies show that there is no benefit or that there is harm. The inconsistent results of these investigations amply demonstrate the need for additional study. (NIJ, 2022). Pros Body worn cameras can prove to be beneficial for the public, law enforcement, and the justice system."Body-worn cameras reduced the number of sustained complaints against officers." (Utecht, 2019, p. 175). In the past, when a complaint was filed against law enforcement, it came down to the word of the officer against the word of the complainant. With body-worn cameras, there is no question about the interaction that took place. Officer accountability provides a level of security for the public. The same can be said about the latter. Body-worn cameras can provide a level of security for the officers during a complaint if the
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