028289 Numeracy For Lifelong And Lifewide Learning - Socio-cultural Perspective of Numeracy - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Socio-cultural Perspective

The task:

  1. Explain the principles and motivations of key socio-cultural perspectives of
  2. Analyse and report on 2 scholarly studies of pedagogical practice that exemplify understanding of numeracy from a socio-cultural

Objectives: a, b, and d

Weight: 50%

Length: 1500 words excluding reference list

Due: 9.00pm Monday 4 April, 2022

Background: Numeracy can be understood as a lifelong and lifewide resource. Taking a socio- cultural perspective on numeracy provides us with insights that can inform our understanding of numeracy teaching and learning which in turn can inform our teaching.

Aim: This task is designed to consolidate and demonstrate your understanding of the benefits of considering numeracy learning and teaching from a socio-cultural perspective.

Structure: The task is structured in two parts as follows -

  1. In the first part of the task, you will explain the motivations and principles of key socio-cultural perspectives of
    1. Choose two of the following theoretical concepts of a socio-cultural perspective of numeracy: funds of knowledgelanguage; and ethnomathematics.
    2. For each of the two concepts you have chosen, write your responses to the following
      1. Explain what studying numeracy with a focus on this concept entails (i.e. what are we looking for and at when exploring people’s funds of knowledgelanguage or ethnomathematics, in the context of numeracy practice?). (~120 words)
      2. Explain the motivation/ reason for focusing on this concept (i.e. how does considering our learners’ funds of knowledgelanguage or ethnomathematics mean, help us to develop our learners’ understanding and use of numeracy as a lifelong and lifewide resource?). (~250 words)
    3. In responding to questions i and ii for each concept, you must demonstrate critical reading and purposeful use of ideas from the relevant subject readings shown below:

Funds of knowledge

Civil, M. (2018). Intersections of culture, language, and mathematics education: Looking back and looking ahead. In Kaiser, Forgasz, H., Graven, M., Kuzniak, A., Simmt, E., & Xu, B. (Eds.), Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp. 31-48). Springer.


Bose, A. (2021). Fostering meaning in a trilingual mathematics classroom by connecting everyday and school mathematical ways of talking: a design

approach. ZDM–Mathematics Education53(2), 405-417. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-021-01254-1


d'Ambrosio, U. (1985). Ethnomathematics and its place in the history and pedagogy of mathematics. For the learning of mathematics, 5(1), 44-48. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40247876

Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2015). A trivium curriculum for mathematics based on literacy, matheracy, and technoracy: an ethnomathematics perspective.

ZDM, 47(4), 587-598. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-015-0688-1

  1. You may use further scholarly readings that are relevant and add additional information or ideas. Do not cite additional texts only for the sake of increasing your reference
  1. In the second part of the task, you will analyse and report on two scholarly studies of pedagogical practice that exemplify numeracy pedagogies that are informed by a socio- cultural (~ 350-400 words each)

Choose two scholarly studies from the following four:

Atweh, B., & Ala'i, K. (2012). Socially response-able mathematics education: Lessons from three teachers. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia Inc.

Esmonde, I., & Caswell, B. (2010). Teaching mathematics for social justice in multicultural, multilingual elementary classrooms. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education10(3), 244-254. https://doi.org/10.1080/14926156.2010.504485

Ewing, B. (2014). Rich and purposeful mathematical knowledge of mothers and children in a Torres Strait Islander community. SpringerPlus, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/2193-1801-3- 42

Frankenstein, M. (2014). A different third R: Radical math. Radical Teacher100, 77-82.

This part must be supported by reference to at least one required subject reading plus reference to the two selected pedagogical studies. You will analyse report on each of the scholarly studies separately.

Formatting: Your work must be presented as follow -

  1. The assignment coversheet must be completed and attached at the front of your
  2. Use double spacing.
  3. Leave a minimum of 2 cm margins on all four sides of the
  4. Use a 12 point font.
  5. Use page numbering.
  6. Submit your assignment in Word format, NOT pdf

Referencing: The readings used for Part 1 and Part 2 must be cited and included in a single reference list. Each in-text citation must include a page number that supports the specific point you make in your writing – whether you are quoting directly from the source or paraphrasingYour in-text citations and reference list must be formatted in APA v7 style. The library provides an APA style guides: https://www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/referencing/apa-referencing-guide

Standards: Ensure your writing maintains a formal, academic register with ideas and information from your sources all cited correctly. Minimise direct quotes and use paraphrasing instead when discussing ideas from your readings: excessive use of direct quotes is counterproductive to showing you have critically read and comprehended the ideas you are citing. As academic writing and citations are hurdle requirements for this task any work that has not been proofread for spelling, punctuation and grammatical accuracy and/or APA v7 referencing that is not used accurately for in- text citations and the reference list will not be assessed.

Work that does not meet the required standard of academic writing will have one opportunity to be resubmitted with corrections within one week of notification. Resubmitted work will receive a maximum grade of a 50% Pass.

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