BUS3DIG Digital Business - Formative And Reflective Task 1 Assignment Help

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Assessment Task:

Your presentation is to be 4 minutes in length, effective use of images and visual effects. 

The presentation will contain 4 parts:

  1. Summary of the Project (12marks)
  2. Technology issues (6 marks) and
  3. Presenting (6 marks)

    Managing the technology is an important part of the presentation. You need to consider and address all these issues. 

    1. Presentation must be only 4 minutes in duration  (+/- 15 seconds)
    2. Students must submit their presentation, end of text reference list (as a 
    3. Presentation is clearly communicated with correct grammar and spelling for written material with effective use of images and voice

    My URL here (I have checked it works)

  4. Reflection (6 marks)

    Answer the following questions (with evidence) under each question


    1. What new knowledge had you gained?
    2. What challenges did you face? 
    3. What advice would you give to students taking this unit next year?


    1. What would be the best web 2.0 tool to take into your primary classroom?
    2. Describe 1 inquiry you could run with the students you will teach (Primary or EC or Secondary) relate to the Australian Curriculum

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