Nurse Immuniser Program - Assessment Questions

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7. You find out that Skye is currently 25 weeks pregnant, she is planning a homebirth and that she has not ever been vaccinated.  She agrees to a screening blood test and this shows she is  not immune to measles.  

  1. What would you discuss with her regarding immunisations for her while she is pregnant? 3 marks
  2. Skye doesn’t think that Elijah should be given MMR as it is a live vaccine and she is pregnant and not immune. What is your explanation to Skye? 2 marks
  3. Skye wants to protect Elijah as soon as possible against varicella so requests that Elijah be given the MMR-V vaccine instead of the MMR today in his first catch up vaccines, what do you say to Skye and why? 3 marks

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