HLSC650/NRSG652 Recovery Oriented Mental Health Practice - Assessment Task 2

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Assessment Task 2

You are required to undertake a ten-minute online presentation to your peers. The presentation should be innovative, drawing from your own clinical experience and applying theoretical knowledge of the concepts of recovery.

Choose an excerpt of a consumer’s lived experience. This may come from any modality (e.g. book, article, conference paper, video, blog, etc.). Present your chosen consumer’s lived experience of recovery using the CHIME framework (Leamy et al 2011).

Identify challenges particular to the consumer’s recovery journey and evaluate the practice interventions that could best be used to support their recovery. You are expected to refer directly to evidence from the academic
and consumer literature that you have sourced to support your presentation.

Word Count: 1000 words equivalent (+/- 10%) inc. slides or support material.

Presentations will be made on the following dates: 29th of April or 6th May 2021 at 1730-1830hrs. You can select your presentation date on LEO. You will be required to submit your slides and any presenting notes to the drop-box on LEO before the time of your presentation.

Marking criteria for this assignment are provided below and are also appended to the Unit Outline.

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