You are required to prepare for this Assessment Item by:
- READING the Subject outline,
- COMPLETING Topic 4 Research Writing for Task 1 Final Report
- COMPLETING Topic 5 Communicating a report (oral presentation) for Task 2 Presentation
Project Closure is an important final step in project management. As part of closing down your project, you are required to communicate about the results, findings, conclusion and lessons learnt from your Project.
Report and Seminar Script Length: While the word length for the Report and Seminar is stated at 1500 to 2000 words approx., this may vary due to the nature of the project, advice from your lecturer and presentation modes. You are the best judge at this stage on length, together with advice from your lecturer. So your Report and Seminar Presentation can be done with some variation as long as you complete the TWO steps as described below. Use the marking criteria as a checklist for completed tasks.
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