Assignment 1
You are required to conceptualise, identify and describe a new venture and provide a maximum of 15 PowerPoint slides to be used as a sales pitch to potential investors in a maximum 20-minute presentation. You can choose any sector/category.
We are asking students to record audio to accompany their PowerPoint presentation. It is very easy to record and embed audio on each slide with PowerPoint. See the Assignment 1 folder of the Blackboard site to find a helpful video link that shows you how to record/embed that audio.
We also recognise that some students might be a little shy to record audio. Therefore we are providing students with a second option whereby you include within the presentation typed notes in the Notes pages of each relevant PowerPoint slide. These notes will read like a ‘script’ as if you were reading the pitch.
So you have two options.
It is expected that students will draw on content from Topics 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
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