Twitter – Social Media Industry Assignment Help
Executive Summary:
This report is a critical analysis of Social Media Industry, it is briefly explained how this industry functions in the world. It also talks about the development of the industry and how it caters to different needs of the individuals. Twitter, one of the companies of the industry is also examined in the same way the industry is done. Few studies have been mentioned that how Twitter can be helpful in different ways than its alternative social media companies. The report involves the introduction of the industry and the company, it also explains two aspects where the company excels at and one aspect where the company fails at. In the end conclusion and recommendation is given for the company to make it more successful.
Social Media is a fast growing industry and will be a more developed one in the coming years. Technically social media offers services online that individuals use to share content: photos, videos, discussions, sentiments and many more. Social Media can be used as a good marketing tool through its companies for businesses to expand or start their companies so that people get a know how what the firms are selling it (Drury, 2008). In my opinion, social media as a medium is really helpful for the firms to start their businesses or to expand. Now, most of the things are digitalized and the whole world has adopted the use of social media in their every day lives so by using different platforms of social media business owners can generate a good amount of revenue. In this report, a company of social media has been discussed that is Twitter, this company provides services like tweeting, uploading photos, sharing a post or a web address. This company is not extensively used like Facebook or Google and the reason is explained in the report. However, this website is used to discuss or put forward opinions and discussions that are political, economic or social.
Twitter was established in 2006, this company provides services through a medium. This company offers its users with a platform where they could follow multiple other users or famous personalities. This is different from other social media companies where one user follows another, there is not a restriction that the latter user has to follow the former one. However, Twitter isn’t that much popular than Facebook or Google where Facebook has 27,000,000 users, Google has 18,000,000 users and Twitter has 8,000,000 users (Curran, O’Hara and O’Brien, 2011). Twitter is also used by academic personalities in or during their conferences, Twitter has the feature to post or tweet a status so it was observed that users were intensively involved in sharing and retweeting the web addresses (Raamkumar, Erdt, Vijayakumar, Rasmussen & Theng, 2018). Now Twitter has more than 300 million profiles, Twitter can help the users and followers to learn about each other and their views (Bagheri & Islam, 2017). People are aware of the on going issues or problems around the world.
2.1 Role of Twitter in global business:
The application or service of Twitter encourages the users, businesses and media companies to start a discussion over any topic. As the company developed its services not only big firms discussed crucial topics, users also started to discuss topics that were trending or about any brand. It was estimated that Twitter had a growth of 5400% from since 2009 as most people started to put forward their opinions about any topic related to any field that gave a chance to the businesses to operate in this vast area (Curran et al., 2011). Businesses or firms operating via Twitter impact the users to buy their product as according to Kumar, Novak & Tomkins (2006) influence is the most important part for the business to target their audience and at the same time, it is difficult to build that influence among the users.
2.2 Use of Twitter in education:
Twitter can be used in educational institutions as many studies have been conducted to show that Twitter can provide wit educational services. For example, Twitter can be used as a medium for communicating with individuals to pass information or get in touch with for courses online. In Bista’s (2015) research students were asked to retweet different lectures, videos, new information, research and other notes that were connected to the class tasks given to them. Through this learning different educational topics can be interesting and helpful as students are reluctant in completing their assignments. By sharing or retweeting the lectures or notes they can have a bit of fun and can also learn about some new research. Once they have shared or liked a topic, they will get updates on those topics and will have more knowledge about it. McKenzie (2014) conducted a study where he told the students of history to use the services of Twitter to cooperate in the class but this experiment resulted in attracting students outside of the classroom and shared related information with others making a friendly environment.
2.3 Reliability Problem:
It has been observed that Twitter has reliability problems this company has sometimes led to the rise in the quantity of traffic made by the users that made it impossible for the page handlers or the service providers to handle it. In 2017 it was detected that Twitter was deactivated for a total of six days; this company has also faced security issues, in 2009 Twitter was hacked twice in a yea making it stop providing its services for few hours. Due to these reasons businesses or firms cannot depend on Twitter for expanding their businesses to other customers because it might be risky to use Twitter as a platform for businesses (Curran et al., (2011). This company puts a high risk on the business owners for expanding their companies as they might fear that some information can be leaked through hacking or it might halt their services. Hence, the majority of the businesses do not use their social media platform as an alternative to other mediums like Facebook, Instagram or YouTube.
Conclusion and Recommendations:
Social Media as an industry provides the world with different companies through which individuals can connect. Social Media is a fast growing industry which has evolved just a few years ago and is predicted to develop in more income generating industry. Twitter is one of its companies that provides the users with services like sharing, ‘tweeting’, uploading a photo or a video and uploading a status. Twitter has also allowed the user to start discussions about any topic or any controversial issue that has received a lot of aggression. This can help the business to encourage discussions about their brands among the users and impact the customers with their discussions. Recently, Twitter wars have started between nations and some famous personalities where they use words to fight. Like in 2017, US President Trump encourages nuclear resources to be strengthened for the future and for their protection against other countries that created an uproar across Twitter and many of the users retweeted it (Peterson, 2017). Twitter can make itself as successful as Facebook by adding features to its application and by updating its security so that it is safe for business owners to market their products.
Bagheri, H., & Islam, J. (2017), ‘Sentiment analysis of Twitter Data’, Latrobe University Database
Bista, K. (2015), ‘Is Twitter a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education? Perspectives of Education Graduate Students’, Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(2), doi:
Curran, K., O’Brien, S., & O’Hara, K. (2011), ‘The role of twitter in the World Business’, International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, 7(3), 1-15, doi: 10.4018/jbdcn.2011070101
Drury, G. (2008), ‘Opinion piece: Social media: Should marketers engage and how can it be done effectively?’, Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 9, 274-277, doi: 10.1057/palgrave.dddmp.4350096
Kumar, R., Novak, J., & Tomkins, A. (2006), ‘Structure and evolution of online social networks’, 611-617, Retreived from
Mckenzie, B. (2014), ‘Teaching Twitter: Re-enacting the Paris Commune and the Battle of Stalingrad’, 47(3), 355-372
Peterson, M. (2017), ‘Ranked: Twitter Wars That Came a Little Too Close to Real Wars
When Twitter fingers could be trigger fingers’, The Atlantic, blog post, Retreived on 10 January, 2020, Retrieved from
Raamkumar, A., Erdt, M., Vijayakumer, H., Rasmussenm E., & Theng, Y. (2018), ‘Understanding the Twitter Usage of Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Journals’, 1-10, doi: 10.1002/pra2.2018.14505501047
Tang, Y., & Hew, F. (2017), ‘Using Twitter for education: Beneficial or simply a waste of time?’, 106, 97-118, Research Gate Database, doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2016.12.004