Are you facing plagiarism in your content? No worries, you are not alone. Do you know around 95% of students commit Plagiarism? In 2015, The International Centre for Academic Integrity conducted a survey of 24 High Schools in the USA which were around 75000 students. The statistics defined that 95% of students cheat on a test or commit plagiarism.
You do not need to worry; you are at the right place. Today in this blog, we will explain some tips and tricks to avoid plagiarism in your written material. But before going further let’s understand what plagiarism is.
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What is Plagiarism?
The simple definition of plagiarism is stealing the content of someone else which is considered an act of offense: a breach of law or an illegal act. In other words, either intentionally or unintentionally someone copy-pasting others’ work without showing any proper reference is known as plagiarism.
What can be plagiarized?
This is an unethical act that includes multiple things that can be plagiarized. Some are mentioned below:
Written Text: If someone copies the words or text that are mentioned in an article, book, website, or other stuff without getting permission or mentioning the name of the actual author is also considered plagiarism.
Visual Materials: The second thing that can be plagiarized is pictures, graphs, illustrations, or other visual objects, and if someone is presenting them as their works again it is an unethical act and comes under the umbrella of plagiarism.
Ideas: You know very well how important an idea is because it takes plenty of continuous effort and analysis to reach a specific concept. However, it is easy to steal the idea and its complete structure. This is also considered plagiarism as you’re showing others’ proposed ideas as yours.
Copyright Infringement: This is also known as piracy: the practice of attacking. It means presenting the restricted copyright work. Like pirated copies of books without giving the credit to the actual authors.
You are now aware of what is plagiarism and what can be plagiarized. Your next question will be what are the possible ways to avoid this unethical practice? There are many different ways through which you will not commit plagiarism. Apart from it, a few most important tips are mentioned here for you. Do not think about your scores, our tips will help you to achieve high scores without plagiarism.
Tips to Avoid Plagiarism
Writing plagiarism-free content is one of the honorable tasks that an individual is giving proper accountability for each word which is your moral and legal responsibility. Let’s discuss what we can do to avoid plagiarism.
Keep Track of Your Source
Sometimes people do not commit it intentionally but mistakenly commit plagiarism. Let me explain how? Whenever an individual is working on a research or dissertation he or she wants to show as much research as he or she can.
While doing so a complete chain of different ideas on a particular subject is drafted and, in this context, the writer may forget the actual source of an idea and thinks that it is his or her idea. But in actuality, it is the work of someone else.
This can be avoided. The simple trick is to give a proper order to your material. You can make a list of references to avoid plagiarism. Here we recommend that you should start highlighting the different materials. How can you highlight it?
Let’s take the three primary colors red, green, and blue. You can highlight the statement or material with red color which needs a citation, blue color can be used for the citation of paraphrased material, and green color for the actual words of an author.
Using a Plagiarism Checker
Universities use plagiarism checker software to detect the pledge in thesis writing or dissertation writing projects. The widely used software is Turnitin which scans the text and checks the similarity on a database of publications and highlights the part which is copied or similar to scanned text.
What you can do is consider yourself a plagiarism checker, through this, you can detect accidental mistakes. For instance, forgotten citations, missing quotations, and paraphrased material.
Cite Your Source Correctly
In your content, if you are quoting or paraphrasing an idea you must add the in-text citation or footnotes. Each citation must be interlinked with a full reference list that is mentioned in the bibliography or references page. Note the citation includes different styles and rules and you have to follow them at any cost to provide quality material. The common styles of citation are APA, MLA, and Chicago.
Avoiding plagiarism is not a big deal; what you need is a complete focus on your material and mentioning the proper citation. If you still think that it is difficult you can get the help of our experts. Assignment studio provides you with experts who can write for you plagiarism-free content. We assure you 100% plagiarism-free thesis writing, dissertation, essay writing, report writing, etc. you need just visit the website and contact our support team they will guide you further.