SWSP6003 Becoming a Social Worker - Assessment 1

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Assessment Task 1

This reflective essay is designed to provide feedback early in the trimester. You are required to submit a 1000 word reflective essay in relation to your developing knowledge of the social work profession. In your written reflection, you should address the following:

  • your understanding of the social work profession, providing a brief, referenced, definition (250 words)
  • the reasons that you decided to study social work and the key strengths that you bring to the social work profession, (250 words)
  • a reflection on the key values of the social work profession (human rights, social justice etc) (250 words) including definitions,
  • and an analysis of one key ethical principle or ethical responsibility, as outlined in the AASW Code of Ethics (2020) (250 words)

You must also include a minimum of four (4) scholarly references that are cited correctly, using the APA 7"' referencing style

Please note: Students will begin preparing a draft for this assessment during class in Week 1. Lecturers will provide feedback in relation to students' progress with both the written and conceptual aspects of the task.

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