NURS11157 Lifespan Approach to Health and Wellness for Nursing - ASSESSMENT 2

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Assessment item 2: Essay based on a case study (40%)

This is an INDIVIDUAL assessment task. This assessment task requires students to compose an essay using information from the scenarios provided. Students select ONE of four scenarios (located on the unit Moodle site). You are required to position yourself as the nurse. Using theory, terms and concepts encountered throughout NURS11157, explore the health behaviours, influencers and decision-making processes of the participants involved. Demonstrate the considerations that are required in planning care. The prescribed textbook MUST be used as one of your sources of information.

This assessment - MUST include:

  • title/cover page
  • table of content
  • introduction
  • discussion
  • conclusion
  • reference list

The case study is divided into parts and students are encouraged to use headings throughout the paper to provide structure- the Discussion Sections may be used as a heading.

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