MGT5LIC Leadership, Innovation And Change - Individual Presentation & Report

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The aim of this assessment is for you to critically analyse an innovative, responsible and sustainable business that has provided a new service offering or introduced a new product into the market. The business needs to demonstrate innovative and responsible leadership. You can choose from the list of organisations below or choose your own, however, this needs to be approved by your lecturer. Therefore, if you choose your own organisation, email your lecturer early to seek approval.

This assessment is in two parts:

  • Report – 1500 words per student – 20%
  • Presentation – 10 minutes – 10%

Possible organisations:

  • Amazon – Founder: Jeff Bezos 
  • Microsoft – Founders: Bill Gates
  • Keep Cup – CEO: Abigail Forsyth
  • Who Gives a Crap – Co-Founder Simon Griffiths
  • Asylum Seeker Resource Centre - Founder and CEO: Kon Karapanagiotidis

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