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Assessment Task:

The ACCC’s inquiry examined how digital platforms exert market power in the Australian media industry. It especially focussed on journalism and advertising, and on the platforms’ relationships with consumers.

Given the focus and scope of its inquiry, the ACCC’s final report will be important to many organisations. Some are in the media industry, such as content producers and advertisers. Some are in related areas, such as bodies that regulate consumer privacy, or which aim to defend quality and diversity in journalism, or which try to protect copyright.

Every institution with some stake in the inquiry’s outcome will want to understand the report’s analysis and its recommendations. To do so, they would prepare their own reports about the ACCC’s report, whether for internal use or for wider publication.

For this assessment task, imagine that one of these other organisations has asked you to prepare a response to the ACCC’s final report.

They want you to tell them about the ACCC’s analysis and its findings. In particular, they want you to explain how those findings matter to them.

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