ITECH2002 Systems Modelling - Systems Requirement Specification

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Task 2 - Group work [6 marks]

6. 1 marks - Consolidated report
The report must clearly list each student’s name and ID and which subsystem each member is responsible for.

7. 4 marks – Consolidated class diagram.
Consolidate all the class diagrams from your team members into a single class diagram.

8. 1 mark – Identify the subsystem for the attributes and classes.
Identify the subsystem where the classes and attributes of the consolidated domain model class diagram have come from. This could be achieved by colour coding the attributes from each subsystem; for example, black font for the Booking subsystem, blue font for the Accommodation subsystem and red font for the Airbnb
Management subsystem. You must clearly indicate which colour is for which subsystem.

This will ensure that you have included all classes, relationships and attributes from all subsystems and help you and the markers in checking the consistency of the consolidated domain model class diagram.

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