ITECH2002 Systems Modelling - Systems Requirement Specification

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Task 1 - Individual work [14 marks]

1. 1 mark – Stakeholders.

  1. List four stakeholders of your subsystem.
  2. Indicate whether they are internal operational, internal executive, external operational or external executive.
  3. Describe the role of each stakeholder, that is how they “fit into the grand scheme of the IT solution” (Mason, 2020).

2. 4 marks – Brief use case description.
Ten brief use case texts for your subsystem – each use case description must have actor(s), use case name and use case description. The written case study provides at least six use cases for each subsystem, so you need to add four more new use cases.

The new use cases must fit in with the case study and your subsystem– for example, the case study is based on Airbnb; therefore, a use case such as “calculate postage cost” is irrelevant.

You must include an actor for each use case.

Each use case must also apply these three concepts:

  • can be computerised.
  • perfect technology assumption (week 3).
  • elementary business processes – EBP (week 3).

3. 1.5 marks – use case diagram.
A use case diagram based on the brief use case description you have created.

4. 5.5 marks – class diagram for each subsystem.
A class diagram for your subsystem. The class diagram must support all the use cases identified.

5. 2 marks – constructive reflection (TO BE SUBMITTED INDIVIDUALLY)
Use Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, as taught in Week 5, to reflect on your experience in working on this assignment.

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