Task 1.3 Epidemiology and Biostatics Assignment Help

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Task 1.2 – Project protocol

Individual task
Submission: submission link on BB
Length: 1000-1500 words
The purpose of this task is to make sure you have planned out a project which is likely to be successful (in that you have a research question for which you can realistically collect data and try to answer). You can ask for help in workshops and I will give written feedback when marking in case you need to change anything before you start collecting data. Although it can feel like it is worth more than 10%, everything you learn here will help you with the project and the exam.


You will design a cross-sectional study for which you will collect, analyse and report on for Task 2 (Project Poster). You will design a study comparing two groups of people with or without a condition or behaviour. We can discuss these in class. There are some restrictions on your project choice based on what is currently available on the Islands simulation. You may also choose to use any of the datasets we work on during class to design your own research question. Please ask in workshops or on the forum if you are confused about any of the following choices:
- OUTCOME: You should aim to have one (1) primary outcome variable of interest based on whether each participant is meeting the criteria for a particular health condition. It’s possible you have a great idea I haven’t thought of, so please ask if you want to do something different, but the conditions I suggest are:
o Vitamin D deficiency
o High cholesterol
o Memory and function (mini-cog test)
o Depression (Mood state questions)
o Anxious
o Heart problems

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