CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing - Assessment Activities

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Assessment Activities

Activity 1A

  • Summarise:
  1. Social differences
  2. Cultural differences
  3. Spiritual differences.
  • Think about one of your own clients. Without giving any personal information away, outline their social, cultural and spiritual differences.
  • How do you respect these differences when providing them with care and support?

Activity 1B

  • Summarise your own values and attitudes.
  • How can ensure that you avoid imposing these on other people?
  • Give different examples of the ways that you have/can support a person to express their own identity and preferences.

Activity 1C

  • Think about one of your own clients. Without giving any personal information away, outline their individual needs, their stage of life and development and their strengths. Explain how you consider these when engaging in support activities.

Activity 1D

  • Give examples of the different ways you can accommodate your clients’ expressions of their identity.
  • Discuss the following statement: “I can’t discuss expressions of sexuality with clients. It’s too awkward.”
  • An older gentleman you have been supporting has come to you to express his sexuality. He hasn’t told his family or friends that he is homosexual but feels like now is the right time. How would you handle this situation?

Activity 1E

  • Give examples of different activities that can reflect a person’s physical needs.
  • Give examples of different activities that can reflect a person’s social needs.
  • Give examples of different activities that can reflect a person’s cultural and spiritual needs.

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