BSBCRT401 Articulate, Present And Debate Ideas - Pitch Plan Portfolio

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1. Write Synopsis

Write a one paragraph synopsis on what your film is about. Include:

  • Film genre
  • Protagonist (with an adjective or two)
  • Protagonist objective or problem
  • What the protagonist does in pursuit of his/her objective
  • Resolution (what the protagonist gained or lost or learnt)
  • The film’s dramatic premise / moral or message

2. Research Target Audience

Research your target audience and write a summary on your findings. This should include:

  • Who your target audience is
  • Why you think this the target audience for your film idea
  • What sort of content do they usually watch and on what platforms
  • Substantiate your summary with links and/or references from your research

3. Plan Presentation

Write notes (dot points are fine) establishing how you’ll achieve the following in your pitch presentation:

  • List what presentation aids and materials you’ll use
  • Discuss what techniques you’ll use to keep your audience interested and enhance their understanding of your key concept and central ideas
  • Discuss how the tone of your pitch helps to communicate the ways you tell your film’s story (e.g. Comedic tone for comedy)
  • Discuss risks you could take to enhance your presentation
  • List ways you can provoke and encourage response from your audience

4. Write Pitch

Write your pitch. This should include everything you plan to say, along with cues on when to show any presentation aids and materials. Your pitch needs to be between 3-5 minutes and allow time for feedback and Q&A. Make sure your pitch incorporates your one-paragraph summary and all elements discussed in Activity 2 Plan Presentation. This document is to be submitted as part of the task evidence, but you’ll also use it on the day of your pitch!

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