Spell checkers have a multitude of benefits for students and office employees:
Writing is a process that requires a lot of brainstorming and focus and worrying about spelling and grammar can take your focus off the topic. Technical and analytical work require you to use your critical skills and recalling spellings can make that process bumpy. When you look up at the screen after typing a big idea, you might notice a lot of typos but all this can be fixed in a second.
If you were writing the same document on paper, the process would take much longer and might be full of errors. By freely focusing on thinking and then fixing the underlined mistakes later on, you can save a lot of time and within some minutes, review the final draft and submit the document.
This is a benefit that is not known to many people. People with reading related disabilities like dyslexia can easily type in document editing softwares because the spell checkers can correct their mistakes and help them participate in their professional lives with self-assuredness.
Typos: Some mistakes are not made from lack of knowledge but just by pressing or tapping the wrong button. You do not have to constantly hit backspace and check for these errors. The in-built dictionary can pick these errors up easily. For example, if you type ‘foreing’, the spell checker can easily detect and suggest the correct spelling, ‘foreign’.
Homonyms misuse: Spell checker tools can pick up human errors like using a word that sounds similar to another word but differs in meaning. For example the mixing up of, ‘their’ and ‘there’ are easily detected.
Regional variations of spelling: Microsoft Word, Google Docs and other document editing services all have the option to choose the language. If you are used to typing in US English, misspelt words will be detected and UK English variations will be suggested instantly so you don’t need to worry about learning all the new spellings.
AI and NLP (Natural Language Processing): This kind of spell checker works on the principle of n-grams. It is an algorithm for machine learning that predicts words based on how frequently they appear together in a sentence. For example, if you type ‘I am not feeling’, the next word that the software predicts will be ‘well’. So the sentence becomes ‘I am not feeling well’. These are usually pre installed in cell phone messaging apps.
Ispell: It is a spell checker software which has a number of European languages and is available in Unix.
Inductel: This is a spellchecker based on a dictionary of all the medical terms.
Grammarly: An online spell checker used to detect spelling errors (typographical and contextual) and suggest corrections after spell check.
If you are a professional who has to write documents for a niche field of study then it is better to use spell checkers with technical dictionaries installed from the relevant field. Common document editing softwares do not have such technical dictionaries installed so your mistakes might go unnoticed if you use a niche word. Spell checkers for professionals are made to detect these mistakes.
If your work requires you to use a lot of colloquial words or foreign language words, then it is better to install a spell checker that includes a dictionary of that language as well.
Make sure that the spell checker you choose works in your operating software or internet browser.
There are certain mistakes that a spell checker cannot pick up:
[variable_1] from [variable_2] has just ordered [variable_3] Assignment [amount] minutes ago.