CHCCOM005 Communicate And Work In Health And Community Services -Assessment Activities

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Assessment Activities

Activity 6A

  • Select two items from this list and explain why they are important for the care industry.
  1. A holistic and person-centred approach
  2. Promotion of the wellbeing of staff, clients and communities
  3. Early identification of problems
  4. Delivery of appropriate services
  5. Commitment to meeting the needs and upholding the rights of people
  6. Commitment to empowering the person and/or the community
  7. Ethical behaviour
  8. Preventative strategies
  9. Exercise of responsibilities and accountabilities within the context of duty of care for clients.
  • Identify an area of your work that could be improved.
  1. What is the issue?
  2. What could be improved about it?
  3. How would you achieve this?
  4. What would this solve?

Activity 6B

  • Identify a change that your organisation could identify to improve work practices.
  1. What does it aim to achieve?
  2. How will it manage this? What needs to be done?
  3. What will the outcome be?

Activity 6C

  • How would you seek feedback for developing your skills and knowledge at work and who would you seek this from?

Activity 6D

  • What options for skills development exist in your workplace?

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