NURS1008 Indigenous Health And Cultural Safety - ASSIGNMENT 3

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Select one of the following topics for your paper:

1. ‘Spoken and written language is the basis of good communication, yet when it comes to cross-cultural communication in Australia, language [for Indigenous peoples] is not taken seriously at all’ (Trudgen 2000, p. 83).
Discuss the consequences for Indigenous language speakers in relation to nursing or midwifery care/interactions in Australia today.
2. Sir William Dean (Couzos & Murray 1999, p. 1) said that ‘The past is never fully gone. It is absorbed into the present and the future’.
Discuss intergenerational trauma in relation to the state of Indigenous health in the 21st century and include the implications for nursing or midwifery practice.
3. ‘I’m not racist, I treat everyone the same’. The principle of equal treatment seems a noble one, yet does this actually mean equity for all?
Discuss this statement in relation to nursing or midwifery care of Indigenous Australians and the development of cultural safety philosophy as defined by New Zealand Maori midwives.

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