92443 Optimising care in chronic conditions - Assessment 2

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Assessment task 2: Person centred care

Task: Person centred care plan (1500 words)

  1. Select a chronic illness from the list provided in UTS Online (different illness to assessment 1).
    With the selected chronic illness, select one case study and apply the illness to this case (a selection of case studies will be provided).
  2. Research the selected chronic illness and optimal care. Consider person-centred, holistic care in which all aspects of the patient’s wellbeing are considered.
  3. Introduction -Provide a summary of evidence explaining key factors for optimal care delivery for people living with the chosen chronic illness.
  4. Powerlessness - Critically discuss the ways in which nurses can facilitate empowerment and self-management for clients and their families/carers in order to achieve a good quality of life for your chosen chronic illness and case scenario.
  5. Local resources - Consider the recommendations for the patient (and their family’s) care within one particular local area or health district. This enhanced by investigation into local resources available, specific to a designated local area or health district.
  6. Challenges - Link care recommendations to the available resources and discuss potential challenges or barriers.
  7. Conclusion – (300-400) Provide three specific nursing actions you will take into your future practice to optimise care in chronic conditions.
  8. Referencing – all discussions must be supported from high quality sources (including journals, textbooks or government policy). Additional references, beside the subject materials are essential to inform optimal care and management for this assignment.

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