SECI Model Literature Review
In this paper, the existing literature on the merits and demerits of the SECI Model as a mode of organizational learning would be investigated. The SECI model was developed by Professor Ikujiro Nonaka and his fellow colleagues in the year 1995. This paper outlines an investigation of the literature on the SECI model as the process of organizational learning with the focus on enhancing the value to exiting knowledge within the organization. Though the SECI model has been well researched, this paper would bring forward a balanced view on the positives and negatives of the SECI model and its effectiveness across different organizations. The paper would conclude with presenting the analysis of the existing literature on the problems and issues associated with spiral process of SECI Model.
- Nonaka and along with his fellow colleagues Hirotaka Takeuchi and George von Krogh developed a spiral approach to organizational learning through a series of articles and books that were published during the 1990’s. The SECI framework stands for socialization, externalization, combination and internalization. The initial theory of the SECI model was further developed and expanded in the book The Knowledge Creating Company by Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995. Initially the SECI model was accepted by the leading practitioners due to its intuitive logic and the clear and crisp delineation of knowledge types between explicit and tacit knowledge (Gulati et al., 2008). The core assumption of the SECI model is that the organizations that create knowledge management encourage the sharing of ideas and knowledge between the employees and individual groups. The model is based on the assumption that the knowledge is enhanced and improved if it’s allowed to be flown amongst the different groups and levels of the organization (Brusoni et al, 2008).
The SECI Model
The SECI Model proposed the four basic approaches of knowledge sharing in an organization that includes socialization, externalization, combination and internalization. The SECI model is based on the assumption that for tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge transfer the proximity with the organization is essential. I, G, and O are used as the symbols for individuals, groups and organizations. The model was further developed to use the concept of Ba, a Japanese concept for knowledge management. Apart from the tacit and cognitive aspect of the knowledge management, the theory was further developed to include the dimensions of the psychological and spiritual knowledge. Thus, the SECI Model proposes that apart from tacit knowledge the mental and psychological also plays a pivotal role in the knowledge sharing process of the organizations (Nonaka & Konno, 2004).
- Socialization-: This approach of knowledge sharing refers to the tacit to tacit knowledge sharing. It is based on the social nitration through face-to-face knowledge sharing or the sharing of experiences. It is based on the fact that it is difficult to organize and formalize tacit knowledge; it is best acquired through shared experiences (Nelson and Winter, 2002). The process of socialization is created through interaction, living and studying in the same environment.
- Externalization-: This approach of knowledge sharing refers to the transformation of tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge. This approach is based on combing the tacit knowledge present within an organization (Nonaka & Konno, 2004). According to externalization, the knowledge is shared and created in groups thereby becoming group knowledge. This group knowledge is achieved by utilizing words, metaphors, images and analogies. The externalization results in the formation of explicit knowledge which easy to understand, comprehend and interpret.
- Combination-: The third process of knowledge sharing enables the transformation of explicit knowledge of separate groups to the explicit knowledge of the overall organization. It proposes that new knowledge is always formed by combining and compiling the existing explicit knowledge within the organization (Nonaka & Konno, 2004). The source of knowledge is converted into the overall knowledge of the organization by sorting, categorizing and linking it together. This method of knowledge sharing is best achieved through meetings, using a centralized computer database or through conversations and exchange of documents.
- Internalization-: The last method of knowledge sharing of SECI Model is covering the activities as understanding and learning of explicit knowledge. The explicit knowledge is an essential part of each individual’s knowledge. The internalization of the knowledge is a process of re-absorbing the knowledge of back into the day to day life of the trainers. The internalization of knowledge can be achieved not only through simple reading but also through a conscious and alert mind. The most critical aspect of the internalization process is the consciousness of the mind. This newly gained explicit knowledge is also termed as the secondary experience (Nelson and Winter, 2002).
As per Nonaka and Konno, tacit knowledge is mostly task-specific and cognitive but it also has emotional and spiritual dimensions in respect to space the knowledge is located. Thus, they emphasized that knowledge learning and cognitions emerged from both direct experience as well as mental and physical experience of each individual. In the SECI model the spiraling of knowledge amongst the separate groups at different organizational levels can be achieved only of the organization allows the sharing of experiences and stories amongst the employees (Nonaka & Konno, 2004). Thus, it can be stated that the SECI model challenges the traditional management which goes beyond the Western-Eastern management typology and incorporates all management theories and practices. The SECI model comprises of both the organizational structure and the managerial style and proposes the overall human communication as an essential part of overall organizational knowledge sharing and management.
The Positives of the SECI Model
The advantages of using the SECI framework in an organization have been aggressively researched since its introduction. Many researchers investigated the use of SECI framework by organizations and its consequences. The existing literature on the positives of SECI framework state that the model supports positive product development and innovation. In the existing literature of organizational and management theory, the organizations are increasingly interpreted and scaled on the terms of knowledge and capabilities. According to Grabher (2004), the organizations are better viewed in terms of knowledge rather than in terms of their financial and physical assets.
As per Dierickx & Cool (2009), the SECI framework is an internal process of each organization and not a knowledge cycling process between several organizations. Nonaka and Takeuchi postulated that the SECI framework enables knowledge sharing between the various teams of an organization and thus promoting the overall enhancement of the knowledge of the organization. Thus, the SECI model promotes overall shared multi-organizational knowledge value enhancement and training.
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