CHC52015 Diploma Of Community Services - Case Study 2

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Case study 2

Sarah is a young girl with complex behavioural concerns. She would like to be able to go to the local community centre to participate in playing bingo and asks her case manager John if he would be able to organise it for her. John is reluctant because Sarah is prone to uncontrolled outbursts and gets frustrated very easily. John does not think that the quiet environment of people playing bingo would be suitable. John calls the community centre and speaks with David, the event organiser. David explains to John that, while he does not have a personal problem with Sarah attending, he does need to know the level of behavioural issues that Sarah has and what responsibility the community centre would have if Sarah harmed herself while she was there. David also needs to discuss this with the community centre committee, as the other members have a right to a safe environment when participating in their activities. John and David come to the agreement that John will provide David with more information regarding the risks involved with Sarah’s behavioural concerns if Sarah agrees. David will then consult with

Based on the case study write a report in up to 500 words addressing:-

  • Rights of the community in the case study
  • Responsibility that John and the service have towards Sarah
  • Rights that Sarah has in the case study

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