CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs - Assessment Activities

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Assessment Activities

Activity 1A

  • Role-playing activity:
  • With a partner or the instructor playing the role of a client, discuss the details of the client’s care plan.
  • Choose three aspects of care provision that are subject to personal preference, and ask the client for their input on each, covering several areas of the chosen categories.
  • You may refer to chapter 1.1 of the unit for ideas.

Activity 1B

  • Give an example of how you could confirm personal support requirements with a client.
  • Identify an aspect of personal care and list the questions you could ask the client and the choices they may have.
  • Identify a process that you are not qualified or trained to do.
  • What are the worst-case-scenario consequences for:
  1. You?
  2. The client(s)?
  3. The organisation?
  • Identify a piece of equipment that you are not qualified or trained to use.
  • What are the worst-case-scenario consequences for:
  1. You?
  2. The client(s)?
  3. The organisation?

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Activity 1C

  • Identify an aspect of support that could be provided to a client.
  • Describe how this could have a negative impact on the client and the repercussions of this.
  • Describe how this could have a positive impact on the client and the benefits
    they could gain.

Activity 1D

  • Identify a cultural group.
  • For each of these headings, write what their requirements are or may be,
    including what they may need, their preferences and things that may be
    unacceptable to them.
  1. How you act and conduct yourself around them.
  2. How you speak and communicate with them
  3. How you provide their care
  4. What care you can provide
  5. What you can feed them
  6. Participation in religious or cultural activities.
  • You should add in any other details you feel are relevant.

Activity 1E

  • Identify three aspects of daily life a client could struggle with and recommend equipment or other aids that could assist them.
  • Choose one aspect of the list of daily tasks in 1.5 of the Learner guide, and write a step-by-step guide to a specific task, noting any variables or potential issues.
    Example: Continence aids > using incontinence pants.

Activity 1F

  • Identify an aspect of care provision that you could provide to a client.
  1. Identify the potential risks to the client.
  2. Identify the potential risk to the caregiver.

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