Reflection On Database Modeling
Database modeling is the method that brings convenience in the working area of large businesses management (Watt, 2014). The major aim of database creation is to make handling and storage of data more convenient. The database is introduced for allowing the users in organizing data, accessing it and retrieving the data without any hassle whenever needed (Microsoft, 2020). The database can be easily understood as it is just like the creation of table that would store the different kind of information including students name, addresses, and gender and so on. In this assignment, the main aim was to help in designing the student information system where the students’ information could be kept stored so that the management could access it whenever required.
I believe that the learning through database modeling has the potential to enhance the skills and knowledge of the graduates as well as it can aid in improving their employment future opportunities (Domínguez & Jaime, 2010). It is believed that the properly designed database can provide one with access to up-to-date and accurate information regarding the students (as applicable in the given assignment). With database modeling assignments like this, I was able to understand the importance of applying theoretical concepts in reality. While designing the database, I had to follow some steps including data modeling, constructing entity relationship diagram (ERD), selecting data items, binding relationship, understanding attributes and designing the database based on logical framework and by using indexing techniques (Song & Froehlich, 2013).
By building a database for the Torrens University Australia (TUA), I was able to create a plan underlying real framework for the college students. The database was constructed with the goal of allowing storage of information of the students. This database would be aiding and encouraging the college staff in overseeing information of students enlisted courses that they are enrolled in and the teachers allocated for teaching the courses. For building the database, my first step was to consider data modeling.
Data modeling is the process of database designing in which the conceptual designing is done for the given scenario (Bock & Yage, 2020). The aim of this step was to describe the entities, objects and attributes of each object. Moreover, at this stage the relationship are built between the data items and the constraints on data are also analyzed. In the second step, the relationships between the data items and their constraints were expressed using the entity relationship diagram (ERD). For this assignment, the ERD was used as a blueprint of the database that allowed the designer in creation of accurate database designing (Mobarakeh, 2017). Through ERD, I was able to establish the relationships amongst the data objects and their flow. In a nutshell, the ERD allowed me to have a better visual representation of the data objects and their relationship flows based on the given scenario.
Before the construction of tabular data, I firstly constructed the ERD by using specialized symbols. ERD displayed the relationships of entity set stored in the database. By using three basic concepts of entities, attributes and relationships, I was able to create the basic ERD flowchart. In the entities set, I chose the students, courses and teachers as significant entities. Whereas, each entity was further divided into attributes like ID, name, gender, semester, email, phone, hour and codes. In the given case, each entity was distinguished from each other using attributes. Amongst the entities, the relationships were shown using rectangles, ellipses, primary keys and lines. I used the following steps for creating an ERD.
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