HLTENN008 Apply Legal And Ethical Parameters To Nursing Practice - Assessment 4 Case Study

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Scenario one

Debbie Brooks is a 32-year-old hairdressing student who recently separated from her partner of six (6) years.  She is a patient in your short stay ward and is 12 weeks pregnant and is having an abortion today.  Debbie tells you she would like to have children in the future but wants to finish her hairdressing apprenticeship first which will take another three years.  She is aware that the older she is the harder it will be to have a baby. You are aware that getting pregnant after the age of 35 is difficult and that even then these women often have high risk pregnancies with complications.  Debbie’s former partner lives in your street and you occasionally say hi to one another.


  • Define beneficence and non – maleficence. (2marks)
  • Using the ethical concepts of beneficence, describe one (1) potential ethical issue related to freezing eggs relevant for this patient. (1 mark)
  • Using the ethical concepts of non - maleficence, describe one (1) potential ethical issue related to freezing eggs relevant for this patient. (1mark) 

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