Evidence Informed Decision Making Short Answer

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Evidence Informed Decision Making - Short Answer Assignment


You are a quality improvement manager at a regional health organization that provides acute and community healthcare services for adults. Your organization is made up of a 70-bed acute hospital that provides adult medical, obstetric and surgical services, and three ambulatory care centres that offers community and outreach nursing. 

There has been a recent spike in the number of gram-negative blood stream infections (BSI) in your hospital. A large proportion of these infections have been caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), a common gram-negative bacterium. The NSW Ministry of Health has contacted your infectious diseases department to further investigate and respond to the situation. 

You have been asked by the Medical Director to search the literature and appraise the evidence surrounding interventions that have been shown to reduce the number of E.Coli gram-negative BSIs in adults. 

You are aware that the National Health Service (NHS) in England has recently embarked on a nation-wide strategy to reduce gram-negative BSIs. You do a quick search on the internet, and come across the following resource recently produced by NHS Improvement: https://improvement.nhs.uk/resources/preventing-gram-negative-bloodstream-infections/ 

Using this link to NHS improvement (and their recommended resources) please answer


  1. Preventing urinary tract catheter infections have been shown to reduce gram- negative BSIs in adults. However urinary catheters are often inappropriately placed in hospitalised patients, leading to increased rates of infection: 

Please read the following article: 

Jansen IA, Hopmans TE, Wille JC, van den Broek PJ, van der Kooi TI, van Benthem BH. Appropriate use of indwelling urethra catheters in hospitalized patients: results of a multicentre prevalence study. BMC Urol. 2012; 12:25. 

I attached the article to you

Refer to the above article (Jansen 2012) and answer the following questions in your own words: 

a. What was the major aim(s) of the study? 

Correctly identifies the major aim(s) of the study 

b. What were the primary and secondary outcomes? 

Correctly identifies the primary and secondary outcomes of the study 

c. What type of study design was employed? 

Correctly identifies the study design used
Provides a brief explanation with reference to the study methods 

d. What is an alternative study design that could have been used to answer the same research question? Briefly describe how you would design this study and its methodology. 

Appropriately identifies an alternative study design that meets the aims/objectives
Provides a brief discussion of alternative study design and methods 

word count: 400 words

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