Qualitative and Quantitative approaches to research
How Sam can apply the evidence that is generated from one these approaches to evidence based clinical practice.
Borbasi and Jackson (2012) claim that research is one effective approach of getting knowledge about any particular phenomena. It is a valuable way of discovering new things and also in making sense of existing things, as it is way of increasing knowledge and information. This essay talks about evidence based practices by which we mean recent or current evidence. Upton & Upton (2006) claim that most of physicians consider EBP positively and are motivated to implement them.
Health related concepts are rapidly evolving and changing day by day. It has been seen that research in this field has remained slow however landscape has changed significantly. Moreover this field is very complex, it is evolving day by day, and hence research is particularly important. Nursing research, talks about all the practice related issues and problems, and make them clearer and increase the overall visibility (Borbasi & Jackson, 2012).
Melnyk and Fineout-overholt (2011) argue that evidence based practice refer to using best and up to date evidence for better decision making in health care industry. Although the evidence based practice is a complex field and does not have any fixed definition, but it generally means using current data for effective decision making.
It further includes the use of systematic approach to research and critical analysis of available external evidence in any particular situation. Furthermore external evidence is also integrated with internal evidence, that is through patient diagnosis and lastly patients’ values are also incorporated in it (Melnyk & Fineout-overholt, 2011). Above mentioned external evidence is calculated through extensive and widespread research.
Scott and Glasziou (2011), claim that effectual clinical practice is always dependent upon authentic and relevant research, which is difficult in modern world. This research is difficult due to many reasons for example there are flaws in methodology also some negative energies are involved here.
They further explained that research here must be “proactive” for maximum benefit. The research must be done by considering patient benefits and must be accurate. Furthermore systematic reviews must be done to ensure that accurate research is done and is up to date (Scott & Glasziou, 2011).
In fact evidence-based practice is a way of providing high quality health care to patients (Majid et al. 2011). It is a unique method of getting up to date highly beneficial evidence. Research was carried out to investigate nurse’s attitude towards it and information sources were also investigated. Questionnaire was used to get the responses and to get actual insight information on the topic. Most of the respondents claimed that they consider EBP a positive thing which has helped them over the past. However they also mentioned that keeping up to date is difficult for them due to high workload on them.
They also claimed that EBP training, time availability, and mentoring by nurses with EBP experience would encourage them to implement EBP. At the same time most important barriers were time limit, inability to understand statistical terms, and inadequate understanding of the jargon used in research articles. Even though nurses showed a optimistic approach toward EBP, convinced barriers were hindering their smooth acceptance and implementation. Moreover, libraries should also play a lively role in developing adequate information literacy skills (Majid et al. 2011).
Jette et al. (2003) further support the above argument, and claim that EBP does provide many benefits and give a better way of treating patients, which in turn will improve health care efficiency. Patients are able to get better results but at the same time doctors have to give more time to their patients for effective research.
Above mentioned literature support that EBP can provide many benefits but at the same time there are some barriers attached to it. Firstly it is difficult for doctors and physician to understand statistics mentioned in the literature, similarly they are unable to understand jargons and their meaning in the researches (Griffiths et al. 2010). However both of these barriers can easily be overcome by having proper training for researching relevant literature.
It is very important that doctors must be given sufficient time so that they can provide excellent health care services to their patients. Doctors will be encouraged to accept and employ EBP if they are given sufficient time. It is a long process which contains various steps and hence time is most important feature (O’Connor & Pettigrew, 2009).
Overall it is explained that research is an effective way of generating accurate, up to date information that can be used for improving health care industry’s efficiency. It is most effective way of providing high quality services to patients. However there are certain factors that limit the implementation of EBP, out of which most important is lack of time (O’ Connor & Pettigrew, 2009).
Borbasi,S.,& Jackson, D. (Eds.).(2012). Navigating the maze of research : enhancing nursing and midwifery practice. (3rd ed.).sydney: Mosby Elsevier.
Griffiths J.M, Closs S.J, Bryar R.M, Hostick T, Kelly S, Cooke J. (2010). Barriers to research implementation by community nurses. Br J Community Nurse 6(10):501–10.
Jette D.U, Bacon K, Batty C, Carlson M, Ferland A, Hemingway R.D, Hill J.C, Ogilvie L, Volk D. (2003) Evidence-based practice: beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors of physical therapists 83(9):786–805.
Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based Practice in Nursing & Healtcare . (2nd ed.).
Majid, S., Foo, S., Luyt, B., Zhang, X., & Mokhtar, I., (2011). Adopting evidence-based practice in clinical decision making: nurses’ perceptions, knowledge, and barriers. Journal of Medical Library Association, 99(3), 229-236. – See more at: http://reffor.us/index.php#sthash.iBsbbdQx.dpuf
O’Connor S, Pettigrew C.M. (2009). The barriers perceived to prevent the successful implementation of evidence-based practice by speech and language therapists. Int J Lang Commun Disord 44(6):1018–35.
Scott. L., & Glasziou. P., (2011, August). Improving the effectiveness of clinical medicine: the need for better science . The Medical Journal of Australia, 196(5), 7-10. Retrieved from https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2012/196/5/improving-effectiveness-clinical-medicine-need-better-science. – See more at: http://reffor.us/index.php#sthash.BwQRaknP.dpuf
Upton D, Upton P. (2006). Development of an evidence-based practice questionnaire for nurses. J Adv Nurse 53(4):454–8.