PUBH6000 Assessment 1: Report ‐ Social Determinants of Health

1. Choose one population in Australia (For example: aged group, disability population, culturally and
linguistically diverse groups, or other group of your interest).
2. Select one of the common chronic diseases in Australia from the following list:
• Arthritis
• Asthma
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
• Kidney disease
• Osteoporosis
• Alzheimer's disease
3. Describe the burden of the selected chronic disease within your chosen population. Please describe at
least three of the following indicators: incidence, prevalence, mortality, morbidity, survival or quality
of life, healthcare costs, hospitalisation, disease complication, and disability.
4. Identify at least three key social determinants that are relevant to the burden of selected chronic
disease in this population group.
5. Discuss how those key social determinants can explain the burden of the selected chronic disease
within your chosen population.
6. Propose recommendations for health intervention to prevent the selected chronic disease in your
chosen population that addresses at least one of key social determinants (identified in point 4).
7. Explain what other sector/s aside from the health sector could be involved in your public health

It is compulsory to use the assessment template (see the template on page 3).
Please read more guidance on how to develop this assessment in the template.

Assessment 1 Template

Please use this template to develop your assignment 1

(Title of your assignment)
PUBH6000 Assessment 1: Student name , Student ID

Provide a short introduction which gives the reader an overview of the whole assignment.
Explain that your report will propose an intervention to address a social determinant of health for this
population group.
(Introduction should not longer than half a page)
Burden of disease within population (Weight 25%)
Provide an overview of the burden of selected chronic disease in your chosen population and explain
at least three of the following indicators: incidence, prevalence, mortality, morbidity, survival or quality
of life, healthcare costs, hospitalisation, disease complication, and disability.
Make sure you support all your points with evidence from appropriate sources.
Influence of social determinants of health on the burden of disease (Weight 30%)
Identify at least three key social determinants that are relevant to the burden of selected chronic
disease in this population group.
Discuss how those key social determinants can explain the burden of the selected chronic disease in
your chosen population.
Make sure you support all your points with evidence from appropriate sources.
Public health intervention and collaborations (Weight 35%)
Propose recommendations for public health intervention to prevent the selected chronic disease in
your chosen population. Address at least one of key social determinants that you mention in
previous section. This can be a completely new idea, or you can draw on ideas from research or
existing health program.
Critically analyse how your proposed intervention can prevent the selected chronic disease. Describe
some activities and key stakeholders that could be involved in your intervention. Explain roles of key
stakeholders and where to implement the proposed interventions (such as community centre, medical
centre, hospital, or any setting that suit your intervention).
Identify at least one of the other stakeholders outside health sector that could be involved in your
intervention. Examples: education, housing, transport, local government. Clearly explain how this
stakeholder/s would be involved in the intervention.
Make sure you support all your points with evidence from appropriate sources.
In a short paragraph, provide a useful overall summary of your assignment for the reader. Do not
introduce any new information/ideas.

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