Prototype Presentation Assignment Help

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Step 1: Select a Service Brand of your choice

Music Streaming Services

(Desktop or Mobile App)

Movie Streaming Services

(Web or Mobile App)

Social Media Services
(Web or Mobile App)
Spotify  Netflix Instagram
Apple Music Stan Facebook
YouTube Music Hulu Twitter
Amazon Music Amazon Prime Tok-tok 
Tidal HBO Max LinkedIn 
Deezer Disney Plus Pinterest 

Step 2: You and your team are to decide which interface you are planning to do a redesign.

i.e. Desktop version of the service or the mobile app interface. Select one only

Step 3: Before going ahead with the redesign, you and your team are tasked to draft out a UX case study/proposal. You will need to send your UX case study/proposal to your tutor and discuss with him/her. Once approved, you may proceed with the redesign.

In your UX case study/proposal, you need to include:

  1. Problem Statement 
  2. Goals and Objectives 
  3. Scope (Elements within the Interface that you and the team will redesign)
  4. Preliminary Research Insights
  5. Roles and Responsibilities in the Team

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