Project Management Virtucon Consultancy Assignment Help
Project Management Overview
Globex provide services to farmers to increase the productivity and to reduce time and cost. There are two major products in Globex :- Farm Equipment and Precision Farming. Globex Farm Equipment team which has experience over three decades in agriculture business. They support region’s farming needs in a particular region. Globex Precision Farming provides range of technologies like GPS, Laser, optical and inertial technologies with application software, wireless communication and services to provide solutions. It allows customers to collect, manage and analysis information faster and easier. The farmers are assisted throughout every step of the operation step by precision farming under which the proven technologies are leveraged for allowing farmers to operate efficiently while saving input costs and improving the crop performance and productivity. For improving the services towards community, Globex have recently decided to initiate a Training and Apprenticeship program for the High School Students (TAHS). Under this program the students will be allowed to work to get experience and gain employment opportunities in farming solutions industry.
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Virtucon Consultancy partners with regional and global customers to meet their business goals, while consistently delivering projects with outstanding performance that meet cost, schedule and quality targets. Virtucon have experience across a wide range of technology vendors and solutions enabling them to advice customers on all or part of a comprehensive strategic solutions. Globex have hired Virtucon Consultancy so that it can help in developing computer-based system for managing the TAHS program.
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The TAHS is a computer-based system that will be used for managing the entire program. It will be collaboration between schools, farming equipment manufacturers and Globex team members.
- Schools: Information of interested students will be collected in TAHS.
- Farming equipment manufacturers: TAHS will collect information from manufacturers regarding need of staff, locations and skills required.
- Globex team: they will use the collected information to facilitate the placement of the students at farming sector
The main objectives of this system are:
- To minimize the farmer’s labor work by use of modern technologies.
- To provide the students with hands-on training on skills that they need to work in the different sectors for serving the current farming solution products.
The TAHS project will allow students to get training on the skills needed for working in different sectors for serving the current farming solution products. Under TAHS project, many short courses will be offered that will be designed in collaboration with the farming equipment manufacturers. The TAHS system will entail all the list of courses along with its title, contents, enrolment capacity and instructor name. The training required in given field will be entirely decided by the TAHS software after comparing it with the student skills against the preliminary skills that are required based on the information collected from farming equipment manufacturers as well as the students. The new computer-based system will entail the following features:
- A detailed record of students, their skills, grades, interests and personal information
- Apprentice tracking by the faring equipment manufacturers and;
- Skills requirement by the Globex representatives to match with the skills of students
Project Management MOV
Measurable Organizational Value
The initial step of any project is to define the goals of the project i.e. Measurable Organization Value. The MOV defines the measurement of success of the project and defines as how to achieve it (Marchewka, 2014). The project is required to support the vision, mission and overall goals of the organization. According to the mission and vision of the organization, the strategy of the project is carefully devised. The figure 1 below shows the alignment of MOV with the overall organizational strategy and shows how the MOV alignment can provide value back to the organization.
Figure 1: The IT Value Chain
Source: (Marchewka, 2014)
The MOV has the following characteristics:
- Measureable: MOV needs to be measureable so that it can clearly define the success of the project to all the related stakeholders i.e. students, Globex and Farming equipment manufacturers without any ambiguity(Marchewka, 2014). In the TAHS project, the MOV will be calculated in terms of the percentage that is easily measurable.
- Generate Value: Huge amount of resources and time is going to be devoted to the project, hence it is required to bring value to the organization(Marchewka, 2014). In the given scenario, the value would be returned if the farmers are able to increase their productivity without spending countless hours in the fields. This will be done by providing the farmers with the trained students that could meet the skills required by the farmers. The project will also provide value to Globex by providing them labor force that is fully trained and can work at flexible hours. The value will be returned to Globex when 60% of the enrolled and trained students will be retained by the farming solutions specialists in every round of training.
- Agreed Upon: The MOV needs to be realistic, that means it is required to be achievable as it sets the expectations for the overall stakeholders (Marchewka, 2014). In TAHS, hiring of 60% of the trained students by the farming solutions specialists is quite realistic and can be easily agreed upon by all the involved stakeholders.
- Verifiable: As the MOV is a metric of success, so it is required to be verifiable (Marchewka, 2014). However, it is not always possible for achieving the MOV immediately and can take some time. In this case, it will need around 6 months for achieving the MOV after the first installation of the TAHS computer based backlog system.
This area is considered to be the most important one as the new system of TAHS will allow Globex to retain all details of the students including school year, residential area, skills, preferred schedule, name, preferred work sector, staffing needs of farming equipment manufacturers, locations and placement needs of the students. This software will ease off the job searching time and allow the farming industry in quickly hiring the labor that is required in short time. Hence, there will be cost cutting in terms of advertisements for hiring by the farming manufacturers. Moreover, this software will also allow Globex to retain highly skilled labor from the very start and train them as per their needs. This would ensure reducing cost and increasing productivity in the fields which is the actual mission of Globex.
The next area of impact is the customer which in this case is student. The students will be able to outline their desired and preferred area of working and can get hands on experience on the field. The students will be able to get required training in the farming industry and can quickly find the desired job in desired area upon achieving the required set of skills.
The cost reduction associated with finding the required skilled labor in the market will be reduced as new talented students will themselves enroll in the program out of which the highly skilled workers can be identified without going into the market. This will allow Globex to reduce the cost associated with the advertisement, selection and recruitment process. Moreover, enhance productivity will also be translated into profit for Globex.
There will be social impact as well as the system will allow the schools to motivate their students to enter the program without wasting the time and hence students will have more time to get practical experience after their studies instead of looking for jobs and staying redundant after graduating that would increase the burden on society. The resources will be utilized efficiently and the farming industry will gain advantage that will flow back to society in terms of more productivity.
After identifying the desired area of impact, the next step is to determine the type of value that will flow to this project (Coda, Ghezzi, & Vigna, 2011). Out of better, fast, cheaper and do more, the following types of value will be brought to the client:
Appropriate Metric Development
After the agreement as to what the project value would be, the metric development has to be set. It will give the team a target that in turn will set out the expectations amongst the other stakeholders and then act as means to check whether the MOV has been achieved or not (Altarawneh & Sheikh, 2008). The metrics are required to be tangible and hence are combination of one or more of the following metrics.
- Money
- Percentage
- Numeric Value
In the given case, the project will be successful if 70% of the total enrolled students are employed by the farming equipment manufacturers and/or Globex itself right after receiving the training in first year. The percentage is further to be increased to 80% by 2020.
After agreeing on the targeted metric, setting of the specific time frame would be the next step (Dvir, Raz, & Shenha, 2003). This is the complete time that is required for MOV to be achieved. It is required to be realistic. In this case, the required realistic time frame will be 8 months in which proper training will be given to students out of which 70% will be expected to return to fields after being trained. After further 1 year, the trained students hiring will be expected to be risen to 80% so the total time frame for this MOV will be around 20 months.
Part 2: Scope Management Plan of Project
Scope has different meanings depending upon the context it is used in; in this case scope refers to the scope of the accomplishment of project (Leus & Herroelen, 2004). The scope management here refers to identifying the resources that may be required to manage the scope and then improvising for how to accomplish the scope of the project (Lewis, 2000). According to PMBOK, Scope management is related to managing what is and what is not to be included in the project[1]. Scope management plan basically involves three major steps, at first Planning the scope management then Collecting details about all the requirements, the at third with the help of first two parts defining and formulating the execution of scope management (Hollenbach, 2007).
The scope management plan is the part of the project plan that is to be done before any estimates regarding time and costs are to be made (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017). The scope management plan includes the following processes:
- Collecting the requirements
- Defining the project scope
- Creation of whole Work Breakdown Structure
- Validation of the Scope
- Controlling of the Scope
Part 4: Risk Analysis and Management
The project related to software development is prone to several risks (Boehm, 1991). Project risk is a condition or an event in which the results may deviate either positively or negatively from the states objectives of the project. The risks can be related to scope, budget, schedule or quality of the software. In order to provide the client with best project, it is important for the Virtucon Consultancy to identify the risks and manage the risk after creating a risk management plan (Speranza, 1993). There are five steps involved in risk management process (shown below).