Project Execution Plan for Project Management

Assessment 1 Instructions: 

Pastori Ltd is an Australian-based software company that develops complex and highly  specialised products enabling the smooth integration of various elements of their clients’  supply chains. Pastori operates software development teams in Hyderabad, Milan, and  Guangzhou. Project management is centralised in the Head Office in Brisbane. Additional  development teams are being planned in a variety of offshore locations. 

You are a consultant who has been hired to advise on best-practice for managing the various  remote teams involved in developing the company’s products now and into the future.  

Using the cultural dimension models proposed by Trompenaars and Hofstede (or a combination  of both) you are tasked with identifying five aspects of cultural difference that need to be taken  into consideration in the planning phase of international projects.  

For each of these potential issues consider the likely impacts of failing to manage for cultural  difference appropriately and nominate one mitigation approach (for each identified issue) that  is most likely to reduce the potential impact of these cultural differences. Note that the advice  you provide is to be applicable to both the existing international offices as well as any that  might be opened in the future.  

The scope of the task 

This task requires you to have a clear focus on the elements that comprise the Project  Execution Plan (PEP) in international Project management and the potential for cross-cultural  misunderstandings arising from misaligned cultural expectations in relation to each of those  elements.  

As this report is to be used within Pastori it needs to be logically structured and professionally  presented. Please integrate theory from this subject and your own independent research into  your report. Submissions that are not grounded in theoretical perspectives and relevant,  authoritative research are unlikely to score well. 

Preparing your submissions 

Prepare your submission as a Word document, up to 1,500 words, +/- 10% and excluding list  of references. The report should be structured in a way that leads the reader through your  arguments. Please ensure you include at least six references to academic publications, using  the Harvard referencing style. Refer to the Assessment 1 marking rubric before starting work  on this assessment.

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