Entrepreneurship Ideas - Article Presentation Assessment Task 1

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Assessment Task 1: Presentation

Article Presentation - Presentation skill is one of the most essential skills for running a business. You will be required to perform a 9-minute presentation to develop and improve your 'story-telling' presentation skills.

To complete this activity;

• Students are to choose an article published in the following journals for presentation:

  • Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice
  • Journal of Business Venturing
  • Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Product Innovation Management
  • Strategic Management Journal

• Selected articles must be published after 0017.

• Students are to use story telling techniques to communicate key ideas within a selected article. Students are encouraged to use examples and real cases to support the presentation .

• The presentation should include yourself in the video with visual aids.

• Students must submit the academic article, powerpoint slides/storyboard and the video on Mylo by the due date.

• The student's presentation will be assessed based on the marking rubric. It is important that students understand the marking rubric (posted on MyLO) before commencing thier work.

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