BFA605 Contemporary Financial Accounting and Reporting - Case Study Help

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Assessment Task

Case Study Part 1

1. Prepare a discussion and address the following question: should human capital be included in the financial statement, and what are some of its potential impacts to firms’ stakeholders? In your response, you should address both sides of the argument (with appropriate references), before coming to your own conclusion. Please write the discussion in a professional manner and you may use accounting terminology.
Note: please paraphrase your arguments, do not directly copy the arguments from research papers or online materials (which may lead to plagiarism and a breach of academic integrity).

2. Your discussion should be referenced appropriately. References should be provided both in- text and as a post-script to your discussion.

3. Your discussion must not exceed 1,500 words (including references).

You will then be required to provide feedback to two or three of your peers, based on the rubric provided. You will be assessed on both your original submission and on the quality of your feedback, which will be evaluated by the teaching staff.

Case Study Part 2

You are required to submit a video recording of yourself, addressing the above questions. The recording must be submitted via MyLO and must be no longer than five minutes in duration. The questions don't need to be repeated verbatim in the recording. For example, you might like to present your responses as a monologue or use your video-editing skills to incorporate the questions visually.

Please note that this is not a group assessment.

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