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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative and chronic disorder, which has no known cause or cure (Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, 2016). Although there are medications and nursing care treatments to help the patients, the disease worsens over time. PD affects the nerve cells in those regions of the brain that produce dopamine, a substance responsible for enabling human movement and coordination (Lynn, 2012). Naturally then, with the loss of dopaminergic cells, PD results in restricted mobility, tremor of body parts, lack of body balance, slow movement (bradykinesia), etc. PD-affected people have a tendency to fall and get injured. This often leads them to avoid social gatherings and hence, they suffer from social isolation as a consequence. As part of their treatment and care, nurses are trained to assess the patient situation on a case-by-case basis and offer help accordingly. The current case discusses two of the major priorities of care pertaining to the case of 77 year old Johann, who suffers from Parkinson’s at its degenerative worst and is under nursing care. The chosen patient care priorities chosen are increased risk of fall and injuries, and increased risk of social isolation.
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