Pervasive Computing Systems and Ubiquitous Computing
By its kind, free and extensible pervasive computing, and a wide variety of sources to gather information that correspond to the issue of information exchange so the parts of the primary system must agree commissioned a set. Ontology, nothing seem to be able to adequate cover the concerns of the application designer is not suitable for the spread of computing, in particular, has developed a well-established mechanism for representing and exchanging ontology structures information. Paper compares the Ontology deemed popularity; often challenge the widespread recognition of the computing community. The paper successfully addressed in order to apply for the next generation of information systems to be careful ontological techniques that lead to determine the number of deficiencies in the system.
The article consists of five sections; in the first segment information regarding ontology system has been explained which followed by the section in which author describe the nature of ontology structure and techniques being used in order to establish the ontology base systems. In part three, several system been discussed which based on ontology programs. Section four has critical understanding of those systems discussed in section three. Finally, conclude the article with future concerns in section five.
The discussion in this paper based on the workshop done by US national service foundation on disappearing computer strategies in 2004. The workshop core purpose is to find out the potential impact of new developments in technologies. Communication given talks ACM theme examines the fundamental principles of the original range of five “disappears computer” the following momentous issue:
- The development of a comprehensive computer system reaction will be needed to hold and explored the learning process, context parameter, the behavior of the person indicated, for sensing and context.
- Privacy, security, reliability, and arguments are risks associated with the interaction between users and service and reliability.
- Discover fundamental requirement of a comprehensive approach to the computer system or service, whether it is possible and filtering information from the types of raw materials (user sensors, services, applications, and so on).
- Design interaction and regular interaction are justified that appear broadly distributed computing environment, the human computer interaction. Including, the characteristics the virtual hybrid and interaction design to communicate with environment.
- Essential network a development tool to maintain and improve the communication network that will require throughout the life cycle, critical communications, and to be able to inform the user of the infrastructure effective error.
Ontology Background:
Under this Caption, the paper explains operational definitions that are being use for ontology, in order to identify specific domain knowledge, Expressed consensus terminology, and semantics of the formal aphorism and compel. This definition summarizes the general use of ontology software for communication between the components and modules in the system and the interaction between the systems. Paper Standard ontology language is use to support the processing of software agents Ontology systems easily.
The basic idea of developing ontology object of a system or number of functions and can be used to correspond by each party. General form ontology can be utilized between diverse systems and persistent computing. Paper discusses the development of modes for describing Ontology mechanisms. Paper describes best practices for the progress of ontology programs and spare parts, the principles of ontology model will be evaluated. Top development Technique was use to be as a starting point for developers. The strategy enlargement and assessment of ontology systems can be done by ontology developers, moreover they will be able to better sharing and reprocess of information.
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