BSBLDR511 Develop And Use Emotional Intelligence Assignment Help

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BSBLDR511 Assessment Task 3: Implement Professional Development Processes

PART D – Address Performance Issues


Based on the email, you are to meet with Ian to discuss his performance during his mid-year review. The assessor will role playing Ian for the purpose of this activity.
You need to take a copy of the Professional Management Plan that was agreed upon in the previous assessment part for the Contract Specialist (Ian). Discuss Ian’s performance based on the attached notes, his Self-Evaluation Form, and his Professional Development Plan.
The purpose of the meeting is to determine Ian’s performance, the issues he is having, and trying to get him back on track emotionally as he is getting behind in his work tasks and professional development and causing issues in the workplace.
During the meeting you need to:
▪ Respond to Ian’s emotional states by assessing his emotional cues
▪ Apply techniques to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in dealing with Ian
▪ Assist Ian to understand the effect of his behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace
▪ Demonstrate consideration of Ian’s emotions towards others when making decisions
▪ Model behaviours that demonstrate management of emotions
▪ Determine a plan to encourage Ian to self-manage his emotions
▪ Determine a plan to encourage Ian to develop his emotional intelligence, and to build productive relationships

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