MGT603 Strategic Management-Systems Thinking Assessment Help

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MGT603 Assignment 1 Part A: Proposal Individual (500 words)

Identify a local or global organization that is currently facing significant issues and critically analyze how a Systems Thinking approach can assist in making optimal decisions. For example:
• You are working as operations manager in a company of your choice. This company has been in business for almost 10 years and is now being confronted with many operational issues related to inventory management. Sometimes there is excess stock and other times shortage of the inventory that are hearting the bottom line performance of the company. In addition to that new competitors and demand from customers to deliver faster and cheaper require organization a different approach rather than just solving the inventory problems. Or
• You are working in XYZ bank in your home country that has been struggling with significant loss of customers to competitors. To overcome the problem, the bank has introduced an incentive system for its employees to bring in new customers.

Once you have chosen your organization and connected issue you are then required to prepare and post in the Assessment 1 Discussion Forum at least one (1) original post identifying intended or unintended consequences on various stakeholders of their chosen organization and then recommend/propose alternative policies/procedures using Systems Thinking approach to help overcome the problem. Key points to consider in your initial post:
• Your proposal should be holistic
• You must include reference to Systems Thinking literature
• Consider using Systems Thinking tools such as Rich Picture and CATWOE etc.

Students are also required to provide a brief rationale of why it is important to use Systems Thinking and relevant tools and techniques to solve the identified organizational problem to minimise adverse consequences.


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