NURS2015 Assignment 4 – Pre-Placement Reflection Paper

Reflection occurs before, during, and after situations with the purpose of developing greater understanding of the self and the situation so that future encounters with the situation are informed from previous encounters (Wald & Reis, 2010). 

There are two parts to this assessment: 

  • Part 1: Reflection on Action 
  • Part 2: Reflection for Action 

You will be required to provide short answer responses to the questions listed  under each section. 

Reflection on Action requires you to reflect back on your previous placement  experience. You will need to identify an experience that challenged you and  reflect on how your learning has developed. 

Reflection for Action requires you to reflect on your upcoming placement  experience. You will need to consider what allied health professionals you are  likely to encounter on placement and the learning you will experience.  

Each part will also require you to identify one of the Criteria under the NMBA  Registered nurse standards for practice.  

Each part will also require you to develop a SMART Learning Goal for your  upcoming placement.  

A learning goal is a statement which explains a specific goal that you want to achieve in your future  learning. The learning objective should be something that you can measure by doing specific activities  within a definite time frame. 

This assignment requires you to write in the first person and in your own words. You do not  need to refer to any literature or evidence, but if you do you must use appropriate APA  referencing.  

If you have any concerns regarding your ability to complete this Assignment  please discuss with your tutor in the first instance. 

Part 1: Reflection on Action:  

Describe your previous placement experience. In approximately 100 words  describe your placement experience and provide detail on the following: 

  1. a) What type of venue were you placed? Describe the venue in brief detail.  b) Provide a summary of the common activities you undertook on placement.  

Describe an example of an experience that challenged you. In approximately  250 words provide detail on the following: 

  1. a) Provide a reflection on the emotions that you felt as a result of this experience. How did  this experience make you feel? What emotions were you experience during and after the  experience? Be honest in outlining your feelings, ie. I was nervous, I was scared, I was too  confident. Describe the possible feelings of other people who were involved? Ie, the  patient seemed unsure, the nurse seemed frustrated etc. 
  2. b) Reflect on your knowledge and confidence at the time of the experience. Evaluate what  learning you have gained from this experience and how your knowledge and confidence has  changed since the experience occurred.  

Identify one Criteria from the NMBA Registered nurse standards for practice  that best describes your learning from this experience. In approximately 100  words provide a rationale for your selection of this criteria.  

Develop a SMART learning goal that will allow you to develop your learning  further in relation to an aspect of the above reflection. (approx. 50 words) 

See “Writing Smart Goals” for guidance

Part 2: Reflection for Action  

Describe your upcoming NURS2015 placement allocation. In approximately  100 words provide detail on the following: 

  1. a) What type of venue have you been you placed? Describe the venue in brief detail.  b) Provide a summary of your expectations of the care you will be providing while on placement.  

Reflect on the interprofessional team you might encounter while on your  upcoming placement. In approximately 250 words provide detail on the  following: 

  1. a) Provide a reflection on the importance of the interprofessional team in the care for clients  on your upcoming placement. (You can focus on one profession or the multidisciplinary  team as a whole).  
  2. b) Consider your feelings with regard to working in an interdisciplinary team. What are your  understandings of other health professionals and their roles in patient care. Are you  comfortable discussing the care of your clients with members of the interprofessional team? 
  3. c) Analyse what learning and development you may experience while on your upcoming  placement. 

Identify one Criteria from the NMBA Registered nurse standards for practice  that best describes your learning from this experience. In approximately 100  words provide a rationale for your selection of this criteria.  

Develop a SMART learning goal that will allow you to develop your learning  further in relation to an aspect of the above reflection.  

See “Writing Smart Goals” for guidance

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