NURS1003 - Essay Writing on International Health Agenda & Sustainable Development
In 2015, many countries adopted the Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG). The 17 SGDs are set by the United Nations (UN) for completion in 2030 (United
Nations (UN), n.d.). The SDGs tackle global inequality (including hunger, poverty, education, health and
resource allocation). They recognise the inter-dependence of countries and the impact of humans on the
environment. The goals need to be sustainable, so that interventions will continue well into the future. The
SDGs form an international health agenda; however, there are challenges to implementing them in ‘real life’
and every country is unique. Some countries will struggle because of war or conflict, underdeveloped
infrastructure or poor governance and other factors that influence the determinants of health.
You will write a 1600 (+/-10%) word argumentative essay on one low or lower- middle income country’s
progress towards achieving SDG 6: “Ensure access to water and sanitation for all”, with a focus on either
Target 1 or Target 2 (UN, n.d.)
SDG 6, Target 1: “By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for
all” Ow
SDG 6, Target 2: “By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end
open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable
ESSAY QUESTION for Target 1: Can [your chosen country] achieve equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030?
ESSAY QUESTION for Target 2: Can [your chosen country] achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all by 2030?
Preparation for your essay:
- Do some background research on the SDGs. The UN website is one source.
- Pick one low-income or lower-middle income (developing) country. You can check your country’s income classification from the World Bank (2020) country income map: development-indicators/the-world-by-income-and-region.html
- There is also a list of country classifications in the Assessments link > Assessment 1 essay.
NOTE: Do not choose Malawi as your country – the example essay provided is based on Malawi. • Search the library data base for relevant academic articles such as peer reviewed journals, using key words like: “water security AND [your country]”; “clean water AND [your country]”; “potable water AND [your country]“; “hygiene AND sanitation AND [your country]”
- Go to the Curtin library website and click on UniSkills > Finding information: for further information on identifying key words and search tools for finding journal articles, books and reports.
Use the SociologicaI Imagination Template to structure your essay:
- You should discuss relevant historical, cultural and structural factors that influence the likelihood of your chosen country achieving the Target.
- Follow the APA guidelines for headings for each of the factors. Headings are formatted - centred, bold and in title case.
- After describing the relevant historical, cultural and structural factors you will critically analyse how these factors affect the likelihood of your country achieving the Target.
Structure and Presentation for Essay
- Briefly ‘set the scene’ by providing some information about the issue and the country • Engage the reader’s interest
- Provide a thesis statement (i.e., your argument) and a justification - for example: • “The country will achieve Target 1 because....” OR “The country is unlikely to achieve Target 2 because…” • Define important terms associated with this specific target – e.g., potable water or sanitation • Explain the impact on the health of the population as a whole
- NOTE: Do not provide the background to the SDGs, this is provided in unit iLectures and tutorial activities.
Apply the SI Template
In these sections, keep the focus on the issue by making the link between each factor and the health issues.
- Historical factors: How have major events in the country’s history (e.g. climate/natural disasters such as drought, political change, conflict) impacted the current situation? Has the country worked on this issue over time?
- Cultural Factors: How has culture influenced the situation? What are local beliefs and practices that could be relevant to this goal/target (e.g, religion, rituals and common practices, gender, treatment of ethnic minorities)?
- Structural Factors: Which structural factors are most likely to influence this issue (e.g., access to services such as health, education, transport, housing, sanitation)? These are often the key social determinants of health.
Depending on your chosen country, the amount of relevant information on the three factors may vary (e.g., some countries will have minimal relevant historical factors compared with others). Remember to include relevant statistics in your essay. The background data you provide on your country should be up to date and from credible sources, for example:
o OECD iLibrary: o World Bank:
o United Nations Development Programme
o The Sustainable Development Goals Report for 2019 o The Sustainable Development Goals Report for 2020 (with a focus on the impact of Covid 19 on each of the SDGs)
- Critical Analysis: defend your thesis statement (argument) by explaining how key historical, cultural and structural factors identified in the body of your essay could have implications for achieving Target 6: o What are the barriers and enablers to achieving the Target? For example:
▪ Who is most affected and why?
▪ Are social and cultural beliefs and practices contributing to the issue?
▪ Are policies, funds and provision of services adequate and appropriately targeted? o A success story - Is there a relevant program or intervention that has resulted in an improved outcome which could be implemented/expanded? It could be a program that has been implemented in another country. Would it work in your country?
o Recommendations – What recommendations could be made? What realistic interventions could be undertaken for your low to lower-middle income country?
- Re-state the main idea presented in the Introduction / re-state thesis statement • How is the country progressing towards achieving the SDG goal/ target?
- Restate the most important barrier or enabler to reaching or failing to reach the target • Do not add new information, but you may support a point with data (statistics or a quote). Do not end on a reference, but with your own words
Referencing - APA (7th ed.)
Students should provide at least 10 references. The majority of these must be current and credible academic sources such as refereed academic journal articles or government reports. Websites can be used for country information from recommended humanitarian, health and development organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations (UN). See also, the websites for country information.
Reference List:
- Use APA 7th ed. guide (accessed via Curtin Library’s homepage)
- Start list on a separate page with heading References (centred and in bold type) on the first line • References in alphabetical order by author surname
- Where an item has no author it is cited and listed by its title
- Apply a hanging indent (1.27cm) to the second and subsequent lines of each reference • Double-spacing is used for entire list (no additional spaces between references)
In-text References
- Use APA 7th ed. guide (accessed via Curtin Library’s homepage)
- Always provide an in-text reference for direct quotes, numbers and statistics, with page number • Provide in-text references to all information and ideas paraphrased and taken from other writers • A reference is not required for your thesis statement and your own analysis – (e.g., fewer in-text references are provided in the Introduction, Critical analysis and Conclusion).
Essay Presentation
- Submit in Word form (.docx)
- Add a title to the top of the first page of your essay.
- Title and headings should follow APA guidelines for Level 1 headings – centred, bold, title case • Double spacing in size 11 or 12 font, throughout the essay and reference list.
- Page numbers and student number in header – (page number align right top). • Correct grammar, sentence structure and spelling (use grammar and spell check!) • Vocabulary appropriate to Health Sciences
- Formal tone - avoid personal pronouns (‘I’, ‘we’), contractions (‘can’t’), slang (‘kids’) • Numbers under 10 should be in written format (e.g., ‘five’); numbers over 10 should be in numeric format (e.g., ‘20’)
- Numbers at the very beginning of a sentence should be in written format (e.g., “Thirty-five …) • Capitalise names of countries, people and policies
- Clear, simple language is best; the goal is to communicate your findings to the reader. • Do not submit a separate title page or a contents page.
- A cover sheet is not required as the Turnitin submission is an acknowledgment of academic integrity. • Check that your assignment complies with the Academic Integrity Checklist before submitting your work thought Turnitin. Do not attach the checklist.
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